Monday, May 22, 2006

22/05 . OH~ mmmamaamia!! Help!!!

Baby Dave was over at our place last Saturday on the 6th. Upon arrival, he was rather .. erm.. in a not so happy baby mood, probably due to the warm humid weather...

Mum was in the midst of getting some things ready for the baby, and I have been tasked with MISSION IMPOSSIBLE : entertain the baby!!!!

So I did.

I took him.. and brought him to my room... show him around and try to interest him with "things".. sat him at my desk.. and HEY~!! Let's try the webcam on him! Capture the Aunt & Nephew moments....

FAILED. haahhahahaa.... here're the results :

OH NO!! No NO no NO no NO!! Please don't start crying now!!
ARRGGGHHH... I'm at my wits end!!! Where's mum!!!??? FASTER COME!!!! Ohh mamamamiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

But... Ohhh... how I love his cutsie baby noises!! (voice, I mean!)

Minutes later.. he was in a much calmer mood...

Some said the Aunt is cuter. Heh~

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