Almost daily, we will walk to the hawker centre, pack our lunch back to the comfort of the office, sit down at the pantry table and eat together. As we eat, we will just talk about anything under the sun and the topics can go really wild and funny, especially when they started to tease me, haahahahahahaha....
So today as usual, they were talking over lunch and the topic went from harmless chat about food and the attitude of the hawker stall owners over to discussion & analysis of how the story is developing on the daily TV drama, then to Super Bands Competition, to concerts and singers, and then, er-hem~ TOPIC OF THE DAY :

Jessie mentioned not long ago -several years back maybe, hehehe, can't remember - a HongKong singing group (The Grasshoppers) were in Singapore for a concert and the lead singer, while dancing and singing, suddenly has a visible bulge slanted to the left of his trousers, upwards (where you have the left pockets). The Cameras seemed to zoom in at that embarrassing point and it became obvious to all viewers that what they were seeing is his.. erm.. member. WAHAHAHAHAHA.... (They were all wearing white elastic long pants - spandex? - I think, hahahaha...). They were sure it wasn't visible at first and probably due to the dancing (perhaps he saw voluptuous female fan wobbling her boobs while moving to their music~?? hahahahaha) "IT" upsized. hur-hur.....
So I asked.. "HOH???? Why there??? Why upwards to the left?? Don't guys tuck it downwards between the balls??"
This innocent question from me opened up a hilarious exchange of information. hahahahhaa...
All of them glared at me and started to laugh.
Someone immediately said, Of course NOT!! If they tuck it between the balls they won't be able to sit down!! Have you never seen any Ads with male model in briefs or swimming trunk?? Its' all UPwards!!!
One said.. YES, guys keep it 'upwards' in their briefs. (My eyes continued to widen)
Another disagreed, saying, NO LAH... it is tucked to the left or right... (my mouth OPENED)
Then another said... Depends lor, if they are wearing boxer shorts, then they will let it hang down either to the left or the right, but then they must not wear tight pants otherwise the abrasion will cause 'it' to be easily hardened / reactive, and they must walk carefully, legs wide open....
*BLUSH* (I laughed and laughed and tears were running down my face, this is so hilarious..)
And in the end, there was no unanimous answer - everyone have differing views. While I was the one with raised eyebrows, taking it all in with disbelief and quizzing the reason why, the rest were arguing over if it is left, right, up or down. hahahahahaha.... I'd say it's forward.
Anyway, each will go back to check with their son or hushand tonight. buahahaha.. OH yes, should I check with my brother? He'll just blush and I still won't get an answer, BAHAHAHAHAHHAA... OH~definitely not my dad, I'll get knuckled on my head for asking. I'm sure his just dangle. teeheeeheeee...
Then a male colleague who just returned from lunch walked in to the pantry. Instinctively everyone stared at his groin (and I was giggling and blushing and covering my face while peering thru my fingers..). The door was immediately shut behind him upon his entry and he was cornered, slightly startled. Jessie said.. "STEVEN! You came in at the right time... we have a VERY important question for you.. Vivian (huh? why me?) wants to know how you keep your........" And by this time I was squealing and blushing and bawling with laughter.. and couldn't help but look at his "bulge" to see if the direction of the ...erm... largest hairy finger..... is up down left or right, kekekekkekeke... However, to my dismay, bulge too small, pants too baggy, can't tell a thing, wahahahaha...
Anyway I protested and said.. "HEY its NOT just ME who wants to know &^%#$ all of them too!!!....." HAHAHAHAHAHA everyone roared and most of us are having stitches on our sides by now.
Him, greatly amused probably pleased with the attention he's getting from all the ladies, calmly and cooly answered.. "Well, it depends on the wind-direction when I'm putting on my brief....." hehe..(yeah rite~)

Is it up or down or left or right? can you tell?
Hehehe... till now I have no answer. I'm still shocked that I'm told most guys kept it UPWARDS. But one thing I'm sure, they keep it inside. teeheeeheeee...
So, guys, how do you tuck yours, eh? Care to enlighten me? *__* hehehehehhehee...
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