Saturday, June 10, 2006

10/06 . I'm so full of shit!

Can't believe it. I'm still purging on and off. Nope, still have not dragged my ass over to the doctor's.... because I found some charcoal pills (expired, by the way) and ate them. Condition will stabalise for a while, and then the rounds will start again. Looks like it is not food poisoning.

Hmmm..... then what can it be? Germs? Where're did I get it from?

I'm suspecting the frozen strawberries with yoghurt & white chocolate topping. But the whole bunch of us ate it, can't be that I'm the only one who got hit, right?

BUT THE GOOD NEWS IS.... *dancing around the room*

This morning as I got up and weighed myself, it read : 62.7 kg!!!! OMG!!!!!!!

Then I wash up and drank water, 2 full glasses. Weighed again : 63.0 kg!!!!! Wahahaha... I'm delirious!! Gosh! I've been hovering around 64.5 to 65.5 for the past month!

Excited, I sms ET the good news.
Her reply : "So you are heavy because you are full of shit.... Hahaha.."

GREAT. YES!! I AM!!!! All 65kg of me!!! A SHIT BAG!!!! hahahahahahaa.. this is so funny I laughed out so loud. Thanks, ET, that's so original!

Back to reality : I wanna loose fat. Not water. I bet I'll be back to normal weight once my appetite and "retention power" is back. But I will still celebrate this joy no matter how small it is!!! YAY!!!!!!

Will be back to gym soon to burn those extra calories & fats away, as well as pump those irons - tone & build some muscles that will help me burn calories even when I'm asleep. hehe...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

URGH your apain hahaha!For the record young lady YOU LOOK FINE,i know it wont stop you but its the truth.Please be careful before you injure yourself ok,you want me to have gray hair hahaha?

Waaah i will!!Im glad to hear you feeling better,it was a lil worrying.You so have to show me where i can get the strawberry deserts, they have cream too hahaha?