Thursday, June 12, 2008


Have just spoken with him over the phone... this morning..

He sounded so tired, so exhausted. I think the poor fella must have been so busy with work and his new business that he is burning himself out.


I feel foolish now. hur-hur...

Yet I wonder, is this the standard I should settle for and expect from a man who deserves me?
Are men like that?

Most probably it is not intentional of him to "disappear" because of other priorities and exhaustion. 3 weeks of daily sms and msn nightly (and even during the day) has already given me the impression that this is a man who will make time when he wants to. Or perhaps, coincidentally, the past 3 weeks has been a really slow period for him..

Oh well. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

Right now, I should just take it easy, and not think about it anymore.

March on, move on.

If he picks up speed again, then I'll see how it goes. Otherwise, I'm letting it go.

No point pacing around waiting for a man who has already walked away, right?

The man will take action to achieve his objective, right?

Hence, if I am not the objective, no point entertaining false hopes and holding on to unfulfilled promises. Moreover... what promises? On tracking back, he has not made promises - he merely indicated interest and desires.

Sigh... I'm beginning to think that I am really a big problem.

That's not a good thought.. not good at all.

What happen to the bubbly, fun, chatty, animated, adorable and interesting Tweetie??
She's still here.
Just temporarily crippled emotionally.

Is there a cure for me? Sigh....

I think, any man who have read these thoughts of mine will run far far away into the mountains and don't look back.

I can only hope that with each day, I will grow into a more wholesome-minded person and overcome these issues that sabotages potential relationships in my life.

This reminds me of the short talk by Kloudiia at a Workplace Networking Session I attended out of curiousity (dragged Michelle along, hahaha!) :

She shared that what we BELIEVE can actually sabotage our love life. Sometimes we are not aware of what our believes are. If what we are believing in is not working for us, we should change it, to have the correct mindset and values. She calls it "reframing" our mind to think the positive, to reinforce the positive.

I need to look deeper within me, again. See what's wrong.


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