Woke up around noon feeling number ONE. heh. Checked emails and found a comment for my blog entry from Bir. Hey, a new friend I've just made! That made my day already!!! Procrastinated a little and got myself pretty-up and ready to meet up with Bir at Dhoby Ghaut for lunch, not sure where, but probably somewhere within Plaza Singapura. As usual, I'm late for about 15mins. Must kill this bad habit in 2006!
And yes, actually I bought 2 beady belts for S$10 each - a nice Red one and the other Dark Green. Was wanting to try out new styles. Wore the red one last nite on new years eve and by the end of the day, 2 strings of beads had broken and beads were all over George's floor and everyone were on their knees picking up the beads. I really had a talent in making people busy. hahahahaha..... Anyway, BECAUSE the red one is broken, I decided to wear the green one out today. Prefer the red one (prettier) but nevermind. Dad gave me a ride to the train station, and just as I was getting out of the car, something tugged at my trunk (ok... that's my huge waist) and nice~ I just broke my belt again. A few of the beads strings were caught in the lower handles of the seat and as I absent-mindedly got up, I destroyed it. Some minutes were spent distangling whatever's stuck on the handles, and me getting the belt off my hip. Dad was nice enough not to curse me for dispersing seeds of beads all over his car - in fact he told me to leave the whole belt in the car and he'll bring it home later. Sigh... good bye, S$20. and NO MORE STUPID BEADS for belts. Next time, iron chains or leather. GAH. *_*
Bir is much more good-looking in person than his picture, and woh~ charming big eyes! Anyway, he's 23 years old so all you kaypohs can stop whistling. We're just friends. teeheehee... Good friends. And this is not a date. He's new in town and will be staying in Singapore for good (I think), hence making new acquaintances and friends. He's cool, because he's happy to hang out with me. Anyone who's happy to hang out with me is cool. heh heh... Anyway, we went to Cafe Cartel for lunch and I had a great time. I've heard much about how Cafe Cartel sucks, but thankfully, my experience there is fine. We were there from 2.30 till 6pm and talked and talked and talked. And (er-hem) I guess I talked more than he talked. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... Another victim.
After "lunch", we went to BEST-Denki and I bought a webcam and earphone/microphone for my laptop. AT LAST!!!!! - it was in my "To do" list since I got the laptop. Yippy!!!!!!! I am so excited!! (and they're installed now!) look at this pic I took with my webcam.... slightly dim because it's 3am, and I only have some side lights on. Mighty pleased. Soon, I'll be broadcasting my face around and singing love songs over the net. kekekekeke....

Awwwwww..... look at me, the "shiok" and satisfied grin that you, my friends, are familiar with huh? *smug smug* I'm so happy and satisfied. yay yay yay yay!!!
OK, back to today.
After which, I'm so thirsty (from all the talking, and Cafe Cartel don't serve water - OH so it sucks! haha~) and so we decided to look for a place to sit down and drink. I like Bir, he's spontanous and easy-going -- just like me, and we went to Clarke Quay by MRT. We took a walk down the stretch of restaurants and pubs, and finally settled at "Crazy Elephant". It was playing nice blues music (I think) and some interesting jokes flashing on Plasma TVs (or LCD TV?). Heh, the jokes are funny and some are "adult". But here's one: What does a Priest and a Christmas Tree has in common? Ans: Their balls are for decorative purposes. (Teeheehee....). I had a beer that came in a really tall glass - first time for me! And we sat there, while I enjoyed the beer the music the jokes, Bir did some reading. We spent a nice hour there and decided to go gallivanting somewhere else. Heh, interesting, for the first time in my life, I'm actually doing "bar-hopping".
We walked all the way to Boat Quay. Should have been a short route by crossing the underpass or something... but since I'm the dingbat guide, I took him on the 20 minutes route round the island. *_* It was nice and scenic.... (to be positive) and we finally made it to Boat Quay. As we walked down the stretch, an idea crossed my mind. There's this Jazz bar I've always been curious about but NEVER had the chance to check out.... it's along the outskirt of the road where people usually wait to hail down a taxi to go home (that's how the place caught my attention anyway), and we decided to check it out. (Actually, its me saying let's do this and Bir saying OK, hahahahaha...).
Jazz@SouthBridge is the name of the bar, located in the upper floor where a flight of wooden staircase leads upstairs (haha this is such bad english. Sorry ah, mow engrisp nope powerpoo). There's not many people when we arrived, around 9.15pm. We were shown to a room with a stage and seats.. and upon confirming that there will be live sessions, we made ourselves cosy at Table No. 7 (Yes, must remember - next visit, I'll call and reserve this table!). And WHOA~ what a treat we're in for! At 9.30pm, the jam session started and it was fantastic! I thoroughly enjoyed the piano bass drum pieces, and later on, we have a saxophonist who did some really smooth numbers with the band. The best treat of the night was when the 'boss' (of what?) Eddie Chan (?) joined in and played the vibraphone. WOW. AWESOME. First time I see a vibraphone (it looks like pipe organs below, and huge xylophones on top) and someone playing it. I've heard the sound before on my Synthesizer, but seeing the actual thing and someone playing it magically is another realm altogether!
The session ended at 10.45 and that's when we leave - HAPPILY. I am truly truly absolutely happy. Oh, such a wonderful day, and a wonderful way to start the year. And on the first day of 2006, I have already begun doing new things, meeting new people and doing what I've always wanted to do but never did. And I hope, for the rest of the 364 days of this year, I will hold firm to my resolutions and will look back proudly on this year and mega-grin.
Thanks, Bir - this day would not have been so wonderful if not for you!
Can't wait for tomorrow now. :-) Bed time! And I'll wake up to another beautiful day, and let there be nice surprises in my INBOX.
Cheer up, everyone! Everything's gonna be alright!!! You're gonna do just fine. Remember to love yourself more and not take things too hard. And be inspired by my victories and brave attempts, and learn from my stupid mistakes. heh heh heh ... HUGz... love ya all! muacks~ And yes... Love me, feed me and never leave me -_-
Hmmm.... stomach is growling.... oh yes hor~, we didn't have dinner. Ahhhhhh just go to sleep lah. Nite!!! ;-)
hi viv !!
had a very nice evening toooo.... in fact one of my best from the day i have been in s'pore. meeting a friend like u makes me more keen to be back.......
we will enjoy this year to our fullest and all those reading this can join us on our mission ...... loving ourselves ~~ and enjoying watever singapore has to offer to us fun lovers ( within our bank account limits :-) )
viv you are a beautiful girl and i like to hear you talk... i am sure god wants a special guy to become your mate.. and so is making you wait for it.. so just obey !! you a very nice girl and the person who will get u,,, must have done a lot of good things in his life ..to have u ..so dont worry !!!
Taking into the mental state i am in.... i think i can say this :
hey sarah if u reading this ,,, for one evening i didnot miss even a bit of you....you have gone from my brain's RAM to the ROM ( hard disk ), as good memories and something to learn from. i am NOT gonna cry all my life for you. You have a passport and enough money in your account... so if u realize that i am the man .. just take a flight and i will pick u up at Changi.... on behalf of singapore and it's people i would welcome you here....
cheers viv to us and our mission of enjoying 2006 onwards for ourselves.......
Woohoo!!! Bir!! That's the spirit man! WOW, I'm inspired by what you've said and feel MIGHTY proud of ya, dude!
And thanks for the compliments (more~ .. more~ ... ^^, hur-hur) and yes, WOW how nicely you put it - that God wants a special guy to my mate. You're spewing wisdom, dude! I accept it, and will embrace it! And I hope this guy will not make me wait too long while he's still "doing a lot of good things", hem-hem-hem...
And I'm really touched by what you wrote to Sarah, Yes, Bir, keep it up, and keep breathing and keep walking. I'll be looking forward to see you back in Feb! We'll continue our gallivanting and celebrate our life, eh?!
Cheers to 2006 again! Woo Hoo!!!!
Shitz, we shoud've 'captured the moment' by taking a pic together yesterday! *_* Nevermind, when you're back! In the meanwhile, hold you head up (*bang bang on chest like king kong*) while you're back in Germany, ok?
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