I had a major shouting match with mum yesterday that resulted in her hurling her mobile phone at me and almost cutting me off as daughter. It is still about boundary issues, and this time I really stood my ground. Its almost the first time I shouted at the top of my lungs back at her as much as she was shouting at me at the top of her lungs. I refused to be intimidated and I refused to back off.
I had enough of her emotional control and intimidations and manipulations. I know she did it all out of motherly love care and protection, however, though it seems that I'm being ungrateful, I felt the need to push her off my territory and not have her invade my boundaries again and again.
It is still my fault. I was being a bad girl. hahahaahhaa!! I mean, I do feel really guilty about it, yet at the same time very stubborn. My mind is full of thoughts on how I should reconcile and make peace or perhaps give in to her control, yet I just wanna rebel against it. Not only am I fighting for my personal space and freedom, I am fighting to keep my sense of identity. I refuse to change the way I laugh. I love the way I laughed. Both mum and dad felt it is horrible and embarrassment to them and I'll scare men off and maybe remain single bcos of my horrific laughter. BUT!!!!! I WILL TAKE ONLY THE MAN WHO ENJOYS THE WAY I LAUGH, WHO ENJOYS LAUGHING WITH ME!!!! I mean, yeah, they fear that before the man knows me who who I am, he would have fled at the sound of my laughter. GEEZ!~ I guess i'll reconsider this point if it really did happen to me (someone will have to bring it to my attention that an interested man have been frightened off by my booming witch-like cacklings and wolf-howlings!!!!)
Anyway, I dont know how long it will take before mum and me will be on talking terms again. She's the type that wont forgive till someone apologized. In this case, she totally thinks I have disrespected her as my mother bcos I shouted back. And she thinks I'm ungrateful yadda yadda yadda and from now on she will not care nor bothered about me. FINE! I mean, I do feel the pinch, I do still wanna enjoy being cared for by my mother, BUT at the price of being suffocated by her questionings and lecturings and disapprovals, for now I'd rather brave and soldier-on through the cold shoulder treatments and have some peace and freedom. I'm breaking her heart I know, I'm a disappointment & a dismay to her I know, I made her feel that she's a failure as a mother I know. BUT! I can never live up to all her expectations! I refuse.
Came across this article last night and it encouraged me somehow....
Taken from : http://www.seductiongenie.com/live/2007/03/08/disappointment/
Thursday, March 8, 2007
posted by amy
One of the challenges of adulthood is facing the fact that you have failed others. You have hurt loved ones. You’ve made mistakes. You’ve let down people you cared about, who were depending on you.
It may sound counterintuitive when I say that it is your ability to deal with failure that matters more to your relationship longevity than your ability to succeed, but I believe that it is true.
A man loves a woman who is imperfect and able to love herself anyway. She doesn’t hide her flaws or sweep them under the table, embarrassed. She doesn’t need to be defensive or brag, because she has nothing to prove.
Her relationship with men is not a competition to see who is the better partner, nor is it a drama where the list of who’s right and who’s wrong gets longer and longer. That’s because her concern is not whether she’s right or whether she’s coming across as the kind of woman she wants to be. Her concern is how healthy their relationship is and whether they’re growing together rather than apart.
We women know well that succeeding in relationships requires a great deal of humility and self-sacrifice. We are good at being the "noble" partner who gives up herself for her family.
What we are not so good at is being the "bad" partner who isn’t the best parent she could be, who gets angry at her man over silly dramas, and who can’t do it all and keep everyone happy.
So instead of facing the shadow sides of ourselves, we project it onto others and see our partners as being selfish, heavy-handed, and useless. Those are the exact same qualities we wish we could indulge in ourselves. We wish we could forget about our children and partner for the day and just hand over the credit card at a day spa. We wish we could just order our children to behave rather than trying to reconcile and mediate. We wish we could just be lazy and let all the errands of daily life slide. We wish we could indulge those characteristics in ourselves, but, because we haven’t learned to accept that side of ourselves, we’ll fight an unending battle with ourselves until the end of our days.
Here’s a secret: men love it when women are less responsible. This is from no less an author than John Gray, author of Mars and Venus on a Date. Men may feel extremely uncomfortable when we have emotional tantrums, but at least it assures them that they’re living with a wild, unpredictable woman. If we present ourselves as Superwoman, then why should he even bother being Superman when we’ll do everything for him?
A recent survey of female business leaders in New Zealand yielding one interesting prescription for success: Women, it’s time to deal with the fact that we can’t please everybody. We will disappoint the ones we love most.
But instead of beating ourselves up about it, we can do something more proactive. We can learn to love our imperfect selves. We can practice our forgiveness skills on ourselves.
And I’ll tell you something even more wonderful that will happen as a result: you’ll find that unconditional love is much easier. Your partner sees that you can do something stupid and laugh about it, and he’ll know that if he does something stupid, you’ll find the humor in it as well. As your partner sees that you can admit to making a huge mistake and forgive yourself, he’ll feel comforted that if he makes a big mistake, he won’t have to deny it; he’ll be able to admit it with the confidence that you’ll find it in your heart to forgive.
Are you ready to live up to your own imperfect human self?
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Monday, April 09, 2007
9/04 . A quick catch-up on watz happenin'
Gee, its been quite some time since I last blogged.. and again, so much has taken place in my life... So here's a quick update on the major things happening in my life lately :
For a start, I'm now cleanly over with my relationship with Cupcake (Paul Burdon) my first boyfriend and sweetheart. He has agreed to stop contacting me and we've not been in contact for a month. He sent me a really sweet necklace and a gift from Jas & Jordan... and a few cards (Birthday Card and Christmas Card for 2006). I loved the Christmas Card.. I only wished I had received it whilst I was still loving him with all my heart. Right now, I admit, there are still aspects of him I love (and missed) and he will never be forgotten, BUT... but I have allowed myself - my heart- to move on. And I DID! I am happy~!!!! NEXT PLEASE!! (sigh, yes still a virgin. Grrrrrrrrrr~!! Hmm.. but I guess now that I've cooled off the passion, I'm glad we didnt do it -- He aint worth it after all!).
Then, I got to know a guy Sonny Ho who turned out to be a con man~!! A womanizer!!! Phew~ thank God I never made any "losses" other than being hugged and kissed.....(I'll have to explain about that later!). He's short, ugly, old looking and speaks/writes bad english. In fact, he's shorter than I am! Sigh, but I was too soft-hearted and guillable and naive. However, the right thing I did was to tell everyone about him what I knew about him! I told mum, told colleagues and told my best buddies.. hehehehehehehe... Hence his story was dissected and questioned and this help to check and balance things up for me. I admit, I was rather proned in believing him.. it all sounded so true, so real, so sincere.. not impossible.. yet unbelievable! Thank God for my protective friends. We exposed his lies and the truth has set me freeeeeeeeeee~! I'll relate the tale later I guess!~
Oh, in the Sonny Ho episode, Alvin was like a hero... and I gave in to my crush on him and actually CONFESSED to him my attraction. *URGH~!* Yes, I had the door slammed in my face. sob-sob-sob... He is attracted to me, but only in the sexual sense. He knows I am looking for something more serious, hence he doesn't wanna hurt me by using me and leaving. And he said, perhaps he's still recovering from his last breakup, and enjoying his freedom and singlehood currently. I respect that, and I pick up my shattered ego, pride, what's left of my torn and tattered heart... and crawl away. (OK OK.. I recovered quite swiftly from this, hehehehehehe... )
Then, I got to know an Indian guy named Paul. (AGAIN!!!!????).
Well, dont worry, I am not keen and not interested in him. He creeps me out with all the mushy talk when we had not even met, and when I told him I can only be friends. He has a chinese ex-girlfriend which is irrelavent to me. GRRRR. but I just dont have the heart yet to tell him to buzz off and stop sending me "goodmorning babe" and "Good nite, huggggs and kisses"... and "I wish for you.. ... Wish am with you... Wish we are sitting by the beach sipping wine and holding hands"... and always asking for me to send him my photo when he already had seen how I look. Oh, he found my profile at Match.com and added me on MSN directly. Anyway, currently I'm just being friendly. Did not even flirt with him nor tease him nor encourage him in any way!!! In fact I've been telling him NO NO NO NO NO!!!
There's also this guy Denis who wrote to me from lovehappen.com. I thought he sounded nice and wrote back and email, well, he's from France... so I dont see any harm. I kinda like what he wrote in his profile too. Sounds like a decent chap. He would be in Singapore soon - to work - but I'm not sure how long his stay will be. He has asked me to meet him for dinner and we did joked about going out every night for one entire week of dinner and movies, zoo and birdpark! Not sure if its gonna really happen, but it sounds like fun and I'm looking forward to it. However, I do have my reservations. After meeting a con man like Sonny Ho, and having found out that Hook was a womanizer, and the mindfucking Phil the liar, and complicated single-but-have-partner-kids-online-wife Paul..... I am skeptical. Oh, not to mention Alvin who just want to enjoy his freedom of singlehood (perhaps sex without strings attached as well).
I was so mad with Alvin the other night. I was just telling him that I've gotten to know a new friend from France who will work in Singapore soon etc.etc... He just began to say that Denis belong to the angmoh who contacts ladies before landing in the country to pre-arrange for free sex partner cum tour guide. I shared with him about my reservations, that I am skeptical too, and that neither do I wanna be viewed upon as a SPG (Sarong Party Girl - local ladies who swarmed to Angmohs and sleep with them etc.) and don't wanna cheapen myself. GUESS WHAT HE SAID???!!!??? he replied, that by even responding to or being friendly or meeting up with this french guy, I am already guilty of practicising the antics of a SPG. WOW!! What a slap in the face for me? WHO THE FUCK DOES HE THINK HE IS!!!!!!!???? Hence I told him how those words hurt and I cant believe he would think that way of me.. and it is totally insulting. His reply is ... "anything to grab your attention abt the frenchie guy". GRRRR He meant "its for your own good I said that". No thanks, Alvin, you are too self-righteous and I dont deserve such a slap from you. Rrrr.r..rrrr.rrrrrr...rrr *sizzle sizzle sizzle!*
But it did set me back.
I felt depressed.
I had looked forward to meeting Denis and now I suddenly feel insecure and frightened he's just another wolf. I dont want to be disappointed again in another person. Sighhhhh....
Looks like my love life has not gone well, nor has it gone the distance in any sense.
The other major thing is........
My job will likely end in August. The new owners of my company has decided to close down the Asia Pacific Head Office. Hence I will be laid off together. So this does kinda drag my spirit down.
Mum has also been suffocating me at home with all her tenticles. I felt like screaming!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm 36 this year and can't I have a life without her supervising me closely? I mean, I was craving for the Mushroom Spagetti yesterday and I decided to take a bus all by myself to Bukit Panjang Plaza to eat it since nobody's home anyway. She came back home abt 11pm and started asking me what i ate, where, why... and began to nag me abt why I didn't eat the food at home. HELLO~!!! Those were leftovers from several days ago! One look at them and I lost my appetite, plus I am craving for something specific!!!!! WHY CAN'T I HAVE THE FUCKING FREEDOM TO EAT WHAT I WANT ... WHEN I AM PAYING FOR IT MY FUCKING SELF????!!! HUH?????????????? *huff-huff puff-puff huff-puff!*
I couldn't help but dream of a different life.
At the mall I saw young couples hand in hand buying groceries. I want that too.... I wanna be with my other half, in T-shirts and shorts, strolling in the alses of Cold Storage Supermarkets... and picking out fresh food, cans, wine, toiletries.. etc. etc.. sigh.. I dream. I also dream of going West Coast MacDonalds for breakfast with hubby and just hanging there sipping coffee and enjoying the morning and nice cosy ambience, watching people stroll dogs. Oh, maybe I'll have a dog too! However I do prefer cats... fat tom cats in ginger stripes. Meowww..
I also dream... once in a while I'll be down at the clubs dancing and having drinks with hubby, feeling all sexy and sensual and teasing each other in fun and loving ways.... MMmmm.... so nice.....
Dream on baby, dream on...
Meanwhile, life goes on! I'll just have to carry on and cope with what's in my life. I'll just have to prepare to be single for life perhaps.. but an involuntary one. All I know is, I'll not be promiscuous and will not do things that I can't respect myself for. Self respect and dignity will have to be guarded agressively. I dont have what it takes to gamble on loose sexual relationships or flings. I know I can't do it without getting emotionally affected. At least I know myself better, eh?
*self hug*
That's the update for now.
And tonight, I'll finally make an attempt to reset my laptop to factory condition. I've backup the data... and the last thing I need to do before running the "START UP" disk is to check the configurations of my broadband and some other programs, list down the necessary programs to re-install later... and TADAAAAAAAAA~!!! Hopefully my laptop will work like its brand new after this!!!!
For a start, I'm now cleanly over with my relationship with Cupcake (Paul Burdon) my first boyfriend and sweetheart. He has agreed to stop contacting me and we've not been in contact for a month. He sent me a really sweet necklace and a gift from Jas & Jordan... and a few cards (Birthday Card and Christmas Card for 2006). I loved the Christmas Card.. I only wished I had received it whilst I was still loving him with all my heart. Right now, I admit, there are still aspects of him I love (and missed) and he will never be forgotten, BUT... but I have allowed myself - my heart- to move on. And I DID! I am happy~!!!! NEXT PLEASE!! (sigh, yes still a virgin. Grrrrrrrrrr~!! Hmm.. but I guess now that I've cooled off the passion, I'm glad we didnt do it -- He aint worth it after all!).
Then, I got to know a guy Sonny Ho who turned out to be a con man~!! A womanizer!!! Phew~ thank God I never made any "losses" other than being hugged and kissed.....(I'll have to explain about that later!). He's short, ugly, old looking and speaks/writes bad english. In fact, he's shorter than I am! Sigh, but I was too soft-hearted and guillable and naive. However, the right thing I did was to tell everyone about him what I knew about him! I told mum, told colleagues and told my best buddies.. hehehehehehehe... Hence his story was dissected and questioned and this help to check and balance things up for me. I admit, I was rather proned in believing him.. it all sounded so true, so real, so sincere.. not impossible.. yet unbelievable! Thank God for my protective friends. We exposed his lies and the truth has set me freeeeeeeeeee~! I'll relate the tale later I guess!~
Oh, in the Sonny Ho episode, Alvin was like a hero... and I gave in to my crush on him and actually CONFESSED to him my attraction. *URGH~!* Yes, I had the door slammed in my face. sob-sob-sob... He is attracted to me, but only in the sexual sense. He knows I am looking for something more serious, hence he doesn't wanna hurt me by using me and leaving. And he said, perhaps he's still recovering from his last breakup, and enjoying his freedom and singlehood currently. I respect that, and I pick up my shattered ego, pride, what's left of my torn and tattered heart... and crawl away. (OK OK.. I recovered quite swiftly from this, hehehehehehe... )
Then, I got to know an Indian guy named Paul. (AGAIN!!!!????).
Well, dont worry, I am not keen and not interested in him. He creeps me out with all the mushy talk when we had not even met, and when I told him I can only be friends. He has a chinese ex-girlfriend which is irrelavent to me. GRRRR. but I just dont have the heart yet to tell him to buzz off and stop sending me "goodmorning babe" and "Good nite, huggggs and kisses"... and "I wish for you.. ... Wish am with you... Wish we are sitting by the beach sipping wine and holding hands"... and always asking for me to send him my photo when he already had seen how I look. Oh, he found my profile at Match.com and added me on MSN directly. Anyway, currently I'm just being friendly. Did not even flirt with him nor tease him nor encourage him in any way!!! In fact I've been telling him NO NO NO NO NO!!!
There's also this guy Denis who wrote to me from lovehappen.com. I thought he sounded nice and wrote back and email, well, he's from France... so I dont see any harm. I kinda like what he wrote in his profile too. Sounds like a decent chap. He would be in Singapore soon - to work - but I'm not sure how long his stay will be. He has asked me to meet him for dinner and we did joked about going out every night for one entire week of dinner and movies, zoo and birdpark! Not sure if its gonna really happen, but it sounds like fun and I'm looking forward to it. However, I do have my reservations. After meeting a con man like Sonny Ho, and having found out that Hook was a womanizer, and the mindfucking Phil the liar, and complicated single-but-have-partner-kids-online-wife Paul..... I am skeptical. Oh, not to mention Alvin who just want to enjoy his freedom of singlehood (perhaps sex without strings attached as well).
I was so mad with Alvin the other night. I was just telling him that I've gotten to know a new friend from France who will work in Singapore soon etc.etc... He just began to say that Denis belong to the angmoh who contacts ladies before landing in the country to pre-arrange for free sex partner cum tour guide. I shared with him about my reservations, that I am skeptical too, and that neither do I wanna be viewed upon as a SPG (Sarong Party Girl - local ladies who swarmed to Angmohs and sleep with them etc.) and don't wanna cheapen myself. GUESS WHAT HE SAID???!!!??? he replied, that by even responding to or being friendly or meeting up with this french guy, I am already guilty of practicising the antics of a SPG. WOW!! What a slap in the face for me? WHO THE FUCK DOES HE THINK HE IS!!!!!!!???? Hence I told him how those words hurt and I cant believe he would think that way of me.. and it is totally insulting. His reply is ... "anything to grab your attention abt the frenchie guy". GRRRR He meant "its for your own good I said that". No thanks, Alvin, you are too self-righteous and I dont deserve such a slap from you. Rrrr.r..rrrr.rrrrrr...rrr *sizzle sizzle sizzle!*
But it did set me back.
I felt depressed.
I had looked forward to meeting Denis and now I suddenly feel insecure and frightened he's just another wolf. I dont want to be disappointed again in another person. Sighhhhh....
Looks like my love life has not gone well, nor has it gone the distance in any sense.
The other major thing is........
My job will likely end in August. The new owners of my company has decided to close down the Asia Pacific Head Office. Hence I will be laid off together. So this does kinda drag my spirit down.
Mum has also been suffocating me at home with all her tenticles. I felt like screaming!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm 36 this year and can't I have a life without her supervising me closely? I mean, I was craving for the Mushroom Spagetti yesterday and I decided to take a bus all by myself to Bukit Panjang Plaza to eat it since nobody's home anyway. She came back home abt 11pm and started asking me what i ate, where, why... and began to nag me abt why I didn't eat the food at home. HELLO~!!! Those were leftovers from several days ago! One look at them and I lost my appetite, plus I am craving for something specific!!!!! WHY CAN'T I HAVE THE FUCKING FREEDOM TO EAT WHAT I WANT ... WHEN I AM PAYING FOR IT MY FUCKING SELF????!!! HUH?????????????? *huff-huff puff-puff huff-puff!*
I couldn't help but dream of a different life.
At the mall I saw young couples hand in hand buying groceries. I want that too.... I wanna be with my other half, in T-shirts and shorts, strolling in the alses of Cold Storage Supermarkets... and picking out fresh food, cans, wine, toiletries.. etc. etc.. sigh.. I dream. I also dream of going West Coast MacDonalds for breakfast with hubby and just hanging there sipping coffee and enjoying the morning and nice cosy ambience, watching people stroll dogs. Oh, maybe I'll have a dog too! However I do prefer cats... fat tom cats in ginger stripes. Meowww..
I also dream... once in a while I'll be down at the clubs dancing and having drinks with hubby, feeling all sexy and sensual and teasing each other in fun and loving ways.... MMmmm.... so nice.....
Dream on baby, dream on...
Meanwhile, life goes on! I'll just have to carry on and cope with what's in my life. I'll just have to prepare to be single for life perhaps.. but an involuntary one. All I know is, I'll not be promiscuous and will not do things that I can't respect myself for. Self respect and dignity will have to be guarded agressively. I dont have what it takes to gamble on loose sexual relationships or flings. I know I can't do it without getting emotionally affected. At least I know myself better, eh?
*self hug*
That's the update for now.
And tonight, I'll finally make an attempt to reset my laptop to factory condition. I've backup the data... and the last thing I need to do before running the "START UP" disk is to check the configurations of my broadband and some other programs, list down the necessary programs to re-install later... and TADAAAAAAAAA~!!! Hopefully my laptop will work like its brand new after this!!!!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
28/02 . Tweetie back on Yahoo 360!
Yay~!! Tweetie is now back on Yahoo 360... and this time it has been so much fun!
I made new friends, and they have been a fun and interesting lot. I am also truly glad that Carol, aka Princess, is still there, and with me back, she started to be active on her page again!
I had began blogging fun and this time it is different. This time it is for me. Yes, though I still will not speak much of what really was between Paul and me, -- Yup, bcos Hani is still watching, bcos he will blame me for triggering anything that might lead Hani to walk off in anger, and Hani might do nasty stuff like writing poison letters once again to Maria and his kids will be hurt. Why should I be the culprit? Sigh, its not worth it. I'll retreat & turn the other cheek once again. I still care for him and it will not give me pleasure to play any part in anything that will hurt his family. Neither will I wanna make him lose the Hani that he can't seem to live without. Ok enough about them already!
I am very happy with my new friends... they are sweet people and some are funky, some talented writers, some who are true to themselves ... and some sexy, nice and naughty~!!!! HAHA!! I really love my new friends. Most of all, I am having good fun.
In the past, I was there because Paul said he wanted me to, he said it would be boring without me, he said he loves me and want me to be on his page. And I was there... waiting for him to come by my page, dying to express all my love but can't, and then the place just became a place of power struggle for his attention and affection. It was such a bad experience, especially with people like Sue who at first plays the spy and the evil one who wants to bait me into joining adult friendship sites so I could get fucked by immoral men. Geez!!!
Now, my new friends .... they are neutral parties. They will get to know me more and more as day grows. I feel optimistic, and I feel free. I feel really happy. I am enjoying the blogging I do there. And perhaps some of them can become real friends with me outside of Yahoo 360 pages~!
And now, let me get back there to see if anyone has drop me a comment or tag! ^^ Yay, here comes Tweetie~!!!
I made new friends, and they have been a fun and interesting lot. I am also truly glad that Carol, aka Princess, is still there, and with me back, she started to be active on her page again!
I had began blogging fun and this time it is different. This time it is for me. Yes, though I still will not speak much of what really was between Paul and me, -- Yup, bcos Hani is still watching, bcos he will blame me for triggering anything that might lead Hani to walk off in anger, and Hani might do nasty stuff like writing poison letters once again to Maria and his kids will be hurt. Why should I be the culprit? Sigh, its not worth it. I'll retreat & turn the other cheek once again. I still care for him and it will not give me pleasure to play any part in anything that will hurt his family. Neither will I wanna make him lose the Hani that he can't seem to live without. Ok enough about them already!
I am very happy with my new friends... they are sweet people and some are funky, some talented writers, some who are true to themselves ... and some sexy, nice and naughty~!!!! HAHA!! I really love my new friends. Most of all, I am having good fun.
In the past, I was there because Paul said he wanted me to, he said it would be boring without me, he said he loves me and want me to be on his page. And I was there... waiting for him to come by my page, dying to express all my love but can't, and then the place just became a place of power struggle for his attention and affection. It was such a bad experience, especially with people like Sue who at first plays the spy and the evil one who wants to bait me into joining adult friendship sites so I could get fucked by immoral men. Geez!!!
Now, my new friends .... they are neutral parties. They will get to know me more and more as day grows. I feel optimistic, and I feel free. I feel really happy. I am enjoying the blogging I do there. And perhaps some of them can become real friends with me outside of Yahoo 360 pages~!
And now, let me get back there to see if anyone has drop me a comment or tag! ^^ Yay, here comes Tweetie~!!!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
21/02 . Moving tweetie talk again sigh..
Yes, as the title suggests, I'm moving tweetie talk, my precious blog, once again. Tweetie needs to chirp or tweet its feeble woeful cheeeps in private, this time, really away from him... something I had been dragging my feet to do. *sobs*
I think this time I am ending my contact with Paul for good.
I had still kept it open for friendship, more bcos i love him and didn't wanna just end up strangers with him, and hoping that one day our love will still come true, maybe.
But, I had a few exchanges of emails and chat with him ... sigh, and ended up in pain again.
I was soft in the knees again on Valentines day though, he sent me a really realy nice ecard, I cried when it played on screen. But after i've gotten over being emotional, I wondered if the same card was sent to Hani. OUCH.
Also, recently i started a new page in yahoo 360, and in my 1st blog post there, I wrote something that aimed at Hani. I know she will be stalking me. I was just hoping she won't find me, yet will still state my declaration asking her to get off my back, stop sneaking around for info, just ask me straight. When I drop by Carol's page to say hi to her, I do think that the possibility of Hani still surveying for me on that page is there, but I actually shake the thought off. I don't want to be intimidated anymore!!!!
However, Yes, Hani found me. She was still having surveillance on Carol's page, and saw my greeting, and found me. She saw my challenge to her, blew up, and now Paul is fearful that she'll contact me, i'll tell it all, she'll do some poison letter thing to M, and M will be hysterical, the kids will be hurt. Paul will shutdown, cut everyone off and never be in contact again.
Sigh, i guess I backed down. heart broken, shattered.
yup, he wins, they all win.
I won't ever want the kids to be hurt, and it all begins with me.
The best thing for me to do, is to disappear from his life. No he don't want that, but NOW it is me who wants it.
He is now a source of emotional toxic to me. Hani and him. I need to detox and breathe again. Its an abusive relationship. He is manipulating me but he don't know it. He was telling me that he is not stopping me, bcos he understand, but those will be the consequences... etc. HAH! that is blackmail and that is manipulation. But yes, i surrender. You don't hurt the people you claim to love. I won't hurt him. By me vanishing, everything will be just fine for him. And for me, I will be happier again. He made me happy with his love, but now things have changed. He admitted to still having feelings for Hani, a connection he can't define. She's someone he never wanna lose. He felt he love me more and also has the special connection. Sigh, sorry, i want to be loved exclusively. I don't want this relationship anymore, not even friendship. Can i really be successful in walking out this time? I hope. I hope I have the will to do so.
I wanted to delete Yahoo 360 again that night. But I guess, I will bet on Hani not contacting me. If she did, I'll just have to ignore her. As for 360, I think I can still make new friends and good friends without her shadow hovering...... I'll still keep it.
As for this blog, I decided to move it again. I need to pour my heart out without fearing I'll hurt him if he reads this. sigh.
I'm sad for me. I'm sorry for me.
Hopefully I'll be happy and glad for me soon for ending it all. Finally.
Urgh, there's still the Valentines Day card he sent on the way, it'll arrive probably this weekend.... and the box of gifts sent from his kids. And perhaps the Locket he bought for me. I guess I need to be connected at least to send my thanks... When I'm done saying my thank yous... I will vanish. I will stay away from him.
Apathy starts today.
I think this time I am ending my contact with Paul for good.
I had still kept it open for friendship, more bcos i love him and didn't wanna just end up strangers with him, and hoping that one day our love will still come true, maybe.
But, I had a few exchanges of emails and chat with him ... sigh, and ended up in pain again.
I was soft in the knees again on Valentines day though, he sent me a really realy nice ecard, I cried when it played on screen. But after i've gotten over being emotional, I wondered if the same card was sent to Hani. OUCH.
Also, recently i started a new page in yahoo 360, and in my 1st blog post there, I wrote something that aimed at Hani. I know she will be stalking me. I was just hoping she won't find me, yet will still state my declaration asking her to get off my back, stop sneaking around for info, just ask me straight. When I drop by Carol's page to say hi to her, I do think that the possibility of Hani still surveying for me on that page is there, but I actually shake the thought off. I don't want to be intimidated anymore!!!!
However, Yes, Hani found me. She was still having surveillance on Carol's page, and saw my greeting, and found me. She saw my challenge to her, blew up, and now Paul is fearful that she'll contact me, i'll tell it all, she'll do some poison letter thing to M, and M will be hysterical, the kids will be hurt. Paul will shutdown, cut everyone off and never be in contact again.
Sigh, i guess I backed down. heart broken, shattered.
yup, he wins, they all win.
I won't ever want the kids to be hurt, and it all begins with me.
The best thing for me to do, is to disappear from his life. No he don't want that, but NOW it is me who wants it.
He is now a source of emotional toxic to me. Hani and him. I need to detox and breathe again. Its an abusive relationship. He is manipulating me but he don't know it. He was telling me that he is not stopping me, bcos he understand, but those will be the consequences... etc. HAH! that is blackmail and that is manipulation. But yes, i surrender. You don't hurt the people you claim to love. I won't hurt him. By me vanishing, everything will be just fine for him. And for me, I will be happier again. He made me happy with his love, but now things have changed. He admitted to still having feelings for Hani, a connection he can't define. She's someone he never wanna lose. He felt he love me more and also has the special connection. Sigh, sorry, i want to be loved exclusively. I don't want this relationship anymore, not even friendship. Can i really be successful in walking out this time? I hope. I hope I have the will to do so.
I wanted to delete Yahoo 360 again that night. But I guess, I will bet on Hani not contacting me. If she did, I'll just have to ignore her. As for 360, I think I can still make new friends and good friends without her shadow hovering...... I'll still keep it.
As for this blog, I decided to move it again. I need to pour my heart out without fearing I'll hurt him if he reads this. sigh.
I'm sad for me. I'm sorry for me.
Hopefully I'll be happy and glad for me soon for ending it all. Finally.
Urgh, there's still the Valentines Day card he sent on the way, it'll arrive probably this weekend.... and the box of gifts sent from his kids. And perhaps the Locket he bought for me. I guess I need to be connected at least to send my thanks... When I'm done saying my thank yous... I will vanish. I will stay away from him.
Apathy starts today.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
01/02 . Tweetie shall chirp again!
Today is 1st February.... the beginning of a new month.
Yes, today I end my depression over the failure of my 1st romantic relationship... one that I have fully immersed myself in for the past 6 months. In fact, 2 more days and it would have been our 7th month anniversary... I'm sad that we didn't even made it to one year. But I cannot imagine dragging the pain on to one year either.
Read some self-help articles and books past few days and begin to feel stronger within my emotions and mind. Yes, I need to find happiness within myself again, be happy with being who I am, be happy with my own company. I will not hold him responsible for my happiness nor the pain I have been going through anymore, and will nolonger look longingly for the closed door to be opened. It's time to stand tall, walk away, be strong, be happy, be me. I will not weep over him anymore.. (yeah.. I hope so hahahaa.. just last night i was still sobbing in my room, sigh...).
And I will not act like victim, will not let him know how I was suffering, because I don't want him to see this pathetic side of me, nor want him to love me out of sympathy nor guilt. I'm letting it all free, letting it all go, and not gonna agonise over who gets the man anymore. That's the beauty of releasing and letting go. I was holding on too tightly to what doesn't belong to me. I see it now. Anyway, I know that I have compromised far enough and did enough for my love for him. I need someone who loves me, is committed to me and devoted to me willingly, as I would do likewise. Time to look at local solutions instead of dreaming and building hopes and believing in a fairy tale. No matter how much he says he loves me, its really a fantasy till he has proven it with real action. till now... sadly, its all talk and excuses of why he can't deliver his promises. Ok, won't think about them anymore. I will forget what he has promised me.
So, time to stock up on books to read (or hit the library weekly!), time to find some stuff to fill up my time, and time to get to know new people. Alvin has been really sweet, and I quite like him. But will not place too much hope in it. The waves have swept in some interesting guys... and I might explore them bwahahahhaa... but of course, selectively. I will also be taking up Salsa Dancing classes with SH in March, that might be fun... just trying to coordinate my limbs and proof I can't salsa!!!!. That will be something to blog about, eh?
Cupcake wrote me a mail today... sigh.. I'm glad. Sent him a nice reply, told him i'm fine and happy so there's no need for him to worry. Told him he don't need to read my blog too... I guess, let those who really do care read it. It doesn't matter anymore. Yes, honestly i'll be really touched and be moved if he read it, but since he repeated told me it hurts to read, then its ok.. Anyway, it was not aimed at him in the first place. It was not written for him to read. But it will surely help him understand what he put me through (ok i will take responsibility too) ... sigh... disappointment. I'm truly discouraged in this relationship. My first boyfriend. Yes, still love him. Yes, he'll always be special. I still smile when i think of him and those nice times we had. I will remember him that way. Beautiful things about him and the sweet way he won my heart.
I will be stronger with each new day, and soon, all this will be behind me. It's for the best.
I've grown so much during the past year... 2006 has been a tremendous roller coaster ride. I am grateful for it... It shaped me further, and I will be better and not bitter. I will take the time to let the wounds heal, and I will be even more beautiful. I have known love... tasted love... given for love. I am contented. And now, NEXT! hahahaha
I will have wine tonight to celebrate my life... I am worth it!~
It's time I get my groove back! Tweetie chirps again !!!
Yes, I love you Paul. I love you.
I will still miss you and think of you.
Thanks for being my 1st boyfriend....
(the only regret i have is... i wish we had made love... )
Take good care....
Yes, today I end my depression over the failure of my 1st romantic relationship... one that I have fully immersed myself in for the past 6 months. In fact, 2 more days and it would have been our 7th month anniversary... I'm sad that we didn't even made it to one year. But I cannot imagine dragging the pain on to one year either.
Read some self-help articles and books past few days and begin to feel stronger within my emotions and mind. Yes, I need to find happiness within myself again, be happy with being who I am, be happy with my own company. I will not hold him responsible for my happiness nor the pain I have been going through anymore, and will nolonger look longingly for the closed door to be opened. It's time to stand tall, walk away, be strong, be happy, be me. I will not weep over him anymore.. (yeah.. I hope so hahahaa.. just last night i was still sobbing in my room, sigh...).
And I will not act like victim, will not let him know how I was suffering, because I don't want him to see this pathetic side of me, nor want him to love me out of sympathy nor guilt. I'm letting it all free, letting it all go, and not gonna agonise over who gets the man anymore. That's the beauty of releasing and letting go. I was holding on too tightly to what doesn't belong to me. I see it now. Anyway, I know that I have compromised far enough and did enough for my love for him. I need someone who loves me, is committed to me and devoted to me willingly, as I would do likewise. Time to look at local solutions instead of dreaming and building hopes and believing in a fairy tale. No matter how much he says he loves me, its really a fantasy till he has proven it with real action. till now... sadly, its all talk and excuses of why he can't deliver his promises. Ok, won't think about them anymore. I will forget what he has promised me.
So, time to stock up on books to read (or hit the library weekly!), time to find some stuff to fill up my time, and time to get to know new people. Alvin has been really sweet, and I quite like him. But will not place too much hope in it. The waves have swept in some interesting guys... and I might explore them bwahahahhaa... but of course, selectively. I will also be taking up Salsa Dancing classes with SH in March, that might be fun... just trying to coordinate my limbs and proof I can't salsa!!!!. That will be something to blog about, eh?
Cupcake wrote me a mail today... sigh.. I'm glad. Sent him a nice reply, told him i'm fine and happy so there's no need for him to worry. Told him he don't need to read my blog too... I guess, let those who really do care read it. It doesn't matter anymore. Yes, honestly i'll be really touched and be moved if he read it, but since he repeated told me it hurts to read, then its ok.. Anyway, it was not aimed at him in the first place. It was not written for him to read. But it will surely help him understand what he put me through (ok i will take responsibility too) ... sigh... disappointment. I'm truly discouraged in this relationship. My first boyfriend. Yes, still love him. Yes, he'll always be special. I still smile when i think of him and those nice times we had. I will remember him that way. Beautiful things about him and the sweet way he won my heart.
I will be stronger with each new day, and soon, all this will be behind me. It's for the best.
I've grown so much during the past year... 2006 has been a tremendous roller coaster ride. I am grateful for it... It shaped me further, and I will be better and not bitter. I will take the time to let the wounds heal, and I will be even more beautiful. I have known love... tasted love... given for love. I am contented. And now, NEXT! hahahaha
I will have wine tonight to celebrate my life... I am worth it!~
It's time I get my groove back! Tweetie chirps again !!!
Yes, I love you Paul. I love you.
I will still miss you and think of you.
Thanks for being my 1st boyfriend....
(the only regret i have is... i wish we had made love... )
Take good care....
01/02 . Baby Daniel is born!
Yay~!!! Just got news from my darling brother that my 2nd nephew is born! Erm... well, just some info overload... he's born 1st Feb 2007, 9.15pm, 3.225kg. YAY!!!!!!!!!
Wow, what a fabulous day it has been! A celebration of life!
I love you already, baby Daniel!
Hug-hug from Aunty Viv!!!
I'll post a pic of you here soon, I promise!
Wow, what a fabulous day it has been! A celebration of life!
I love you already, baby Daniel!
Hug-hug from Aunty Viv!!!
I'll post a pic of you here soon, I promise!
Monday, January 29, 2007
29/01 . Dad's 70th birthday !!
Happy 70th Birthday to you DAD~!
Wow!! Dad turns 70 today... what an achievement!
Wow!! Dad turns 70 today... what an achievement!
Hmm.. I should write a tribute to dad... but heh... I've been too depressed lately to do any special planning or write any nice stuff, sigh~ however, this is what we did to celebrate dad's 70th birthday!
We went for dinner, full family --with baby David (including baby Daniel who will be born soon), to the OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE at Millenia Walk last week... yes we celebrated it slightly earlier so that we can have everyone in the family present - just in case Bee goes into labour and baby Daniel is born earlier than expected. Awwww.... my 2nd nephew will be making his appearance soon!!!!!!! Oh my!

Dinner at Outback Steakhouse on 21 Jan 2007
(boy was it hard to get baby David to look at the cam!)
Dinner was rather nice at OUTBACK, except for the Service Staff (blehhhhh~), they don't taste as good as the Ribeye Steak and Sizzling Sirloins bwahahahha~!! We took some pictures and most of the time was spent fussing over Baby David.. trying to feed him, remove knives & sharp objects away from his reach and amusing him with songs and funny faces hahhahaha~! Duhhhh, who's the birthday boy I wonder? It was rather nice when the Waiters/Waitresses crowded around the table suddenly, clapped loudly and sang the Happy Birthday song to dad all in their own key & tunes. Someone should train them to sing better hahahaah... ok viv, don't be so critical, heh! Baby David was probably shocked by the sudden commotion and loud noises, so he started crying really loudly... awww poor baby... and he cried even louder when another guy turn to him and tried to make funny faces (errrm... that guy happens to look kinda hedious), oh my what a chaos~! We got dad to blow out the candle and promptly ate up the Brownie & icecream ... George love it so much he ate most of it. But yes, it is nice moist soft warm brownie.. yum! After dinner we head home early because its time for the baby to sleep... though it ws a simple celebration, it was nice and memorable! Most importantly, dad was happy.
Today, on the actual day... I wished dad a quick birthday greeting and rushed off to work. On my way home from work, I stopped by Swenson and bought an Icecream Mango cake. Then I went out with mum and bought some fried noodles ("SungMeen"), fried prawn-paste chicken for dinner. Mum was so sweet to fry 2 sunny-side-up eggs for dad too. George & Bee came over with David, and so over a simple meal we ate, and sang dad his birthday song.... dad looked pleased, and I'm glad. I still feel kinda bad we did not make a big big deal of his 70th birthday.. Hey, SEVENTY!!!!!! Most people would hold a massive celebration with at least 5 tables of guests at a chinese restaurant... but dad wanted it simple as well, hence we didn't invite the "relatives & friends", hehehehe.... (phew~!)
We went for dinner, full family --with baby David (including baby Daniel who will be born soon), to the OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE at Millenia Walk last week... yes we celebrated it slightly earlier so that we can have everyone in the family present - just in case Bee goes into labour and baby Daniel is born earlier than expected. Awwww.... my 2nd nephew will be making his appearance soon!!!!!!! Oh my!

Dinner at Outback Steakhouse on 21 Jan 2007
(boy was it hard to get baby David to look at the cam!)
Dinner was rather nice at OUTBACK, except for the Service Staff (blehhhhh~), they don't taste as good as the Ribeye Steak and Sizzling Sirloins bwahahahha~!! We took some pictures and most of the time was spent fussing over Baby David.. trying to feed him, remove knives & sharp objects away from his reach and amusing him with songs and funny faces hahhahaha~! Duhhhh, who's the birthday boy I wonder? It was rather nice when the Waiters/Waitresses crowded around the table suddenly, clapped loudly and sang the Happy Birthday song to dad all in their own key & tunes. Someone should train them to sing better hahahaah... ok viv, don't be so critical, heh! Baby David was probably shocked by the sudden commotion and loud noises, so he started crying really loudly... awww poor baby... and he cried even louder when another guy turn to him and tried to make funny faces (errrm... that guy happens to look kinda hedious), oh my what a chaos~! We got dad to blow out the candle and promptly ate up the Brownie & icecream ... George love it so much he ate most of it. But yes, it is nice moist soft warm brownie.. yum! After dinner we head home early because its time for the baby to sleep... though it ws a simple celebration, it was nice and memorable! Most importantly, dad was happy.
Today, on the actual day... I wished dad a quick birthday greeting and rushed off to work. On my way home from work, I stopped by Swenson and bought an Icecream Mango cake. Then I went out with mum and bought some fried noodles ("SungMeen"), fried prawn-paste chicken for dinner. Mum was so sweet to fry 2 sunny-side-up eggs for dad too. George & Bee came over with David, and so over a simple meal we ate, and sang dad his birthday song.... dad looked pleased, and I'm glad. I still feel kinda bad we did not make a big big deal of his 70th birthday.. Hey, SEVENTY!!!!!! Most people would hold a massive celebration with at least 5 tables of guests at a chinese restaurant... but dad wanted it simple as well, hence we didn't invite the "relatives & friends", hehehehe.... (phew~!)
At home - grinning over sweet mango icecream cake~!
We should've really dress up more colourfully! ^^!
Oh yeeeahhhh.... I'm yet to bring dad to shop for his present, but we've agreed on getting him a nice digital camera. I will let him select it for himself...
Hmmmmm... I guess....That concludes the Birthday Celebrations!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I love you my dearest dad...
Thank you for everything you've done for me and your faithful love.
I will learn to take better care of myself so you won't have to worry too much. I just hope that I will marry a man whom you also think will love me and care for me and be good to me.. who makes me happy. I hope this day come soon so you can be happy for me.
And ooohhhh yes, of course, May you live to be a 100 and beyond... so, I'm wishing you another 30 years and more of excellent health, happiness, wealth, (hmm.... romance?)... and every good thing!
I love-ya love-ya love-ya love-ya daddy!!!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
We should've really dress up more colourfully! ^^!
Oh yeeeahhhh.... I'm yet to bring dad to shop for his present, but we've agreed on getting him a nice digital camera. I will let him select it for himself...
Hmmmmm... I guess....That concludes the Birthday Celebrations!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I love you my dearest dad...
Thank you for everything you've done for me and your faithful love.
I will learn to take better care of myself so you won't have to worry too much. I just hope that I will marry a man whom you also think will love me and care for me and be good to me.. who makes me happy. I hope this day come soon so you can be happy for me.
And ooohhhh yes, of course, May you live to be a 100 and beyond... so, I'm wishing you another 30 years and more of excellent health, happiness, wealth, (hmm.... romance?)... and every good thing!
I love-ya love-ya love-ya love-ya daddy!!!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
29/01 . Chin up, babe... Back straight, Tummy out!
It's time to bring some cheer back to this precious blog of mine.
Blogger has now upgraded itself with cool new features, hence last night I did a little upgrading to my template... just a few small minor touches to the colours. It now allows me to add a picture directly from the computer, I love that! Too bad I can't locate one that really fit perfectly to the mood of Tweetietalk... but, this pic of me in the hotel room in Amsterdam would suffice for now. I took this self portrait when we just checked into the Amsterdam hotel, it was morning and the sun was just beaming into the room... it was so cheery! Sigh.. I took this pic for Cupcake actually. Hmmm... Ok, think cheerful thoughts...
In 2006, I began to adore pink again. I've been majoring on blue for a large part of my life, but knowing me, I don't stick to certain preferences for too long, especially when it comes to colours. I love most colours but Blue has been an all time favourite. However, pink has been so sweet and appealing lately I've been pinking up a lot!!!! Ok, yah, there's no such word as "pinking" but who cares. Anyway for those previledge few who gets to read this blog, you are probably my close buddies, and my close buddies are usually intelligent beyond me. BWahahahahha!!
Yes, I still miss him badly. Yes, I still brood and sulk and mope around when my thoughts and emotions drift, and its always the most tormenting before I sleep. I can't sleep. Have not been able to fall asleep without the tightening of the heart muscles in aches... I've been a mini-alcoholic... having wine bottles hidden in my room so mum don't catch me drinking. Sigh.. but just as i've read or heard from somewhere, different people cope with grieve or failure or pain differently. Some will go out partying with friends, some put their energies into work or sports, some talk and talk and talk till they feel better (e.g. visit therapistssssss), some write & blog, some drown themselves in alcohol. I guess for me... hahaha.. erhmmm... I guess I talk to friends, blog.. and drink. But I have to watch it.. I really dont' wanna turn into an alcoholic.
Since that missed call on Saturday, I've not had peace of mind. Sighhhhhhhh. I hate that. Kept checking phone for text and checking gmail for any possible email from him. NONE. OK, I guess that missed call raised hopes again. I'll have to kill it. Kill the expectation, kill the hope that he would surprise me and melt my heart again. ET commented I am so easily pacified, its so easy to melt my heart with so little, just an email and empty promises is good enough to do the trick past few times, always make things so easy for the man. I guess maybe that's why he does not kwow how to treasure me when I'm still around. And because he knows I have weak will and the fact that I am hopelessly in love with him, devoted to him.. he thinks I'll just simmer down and be easily pursuaded to return... that I'm just throwing childish tantrums when I say I'm gone for good? Over the phone he said that whenever I said I'm leaving, he will just need to wait for 2-3 days and I'll be back. WTF. I can only blame myself. Anyway, that's the past. I'm just glad this time its been more than 3 days, bwahahahahaha!!!!!
Life is so empty without him. But yes, I will just have to accept it and learn to fill my life up once again with other things. That is within my control. But I will take my time to let my heart, soul, emotions heal. Just hope I'll get out of these clouds of depression soon. I'm definitely not ready for any romance. In fact I was just wondering ... if my love for him will ever die? I guess I don't want it to die yet. I miss loving him.
Have been doing some reading to fill up my hours. I've found Nora Roberts to be a wonderful writer.. the romance novels she wrote has been captivating and beautiful, emotions intense and beautifully written, especially in those stories with a touch of magic and fantasy. She writes modern romance, classical historical romance as well as those with magic fantasy with witches, wizards, warriors and faeries. Sighhhh... how I wish for myself to be swept off my feet, passionately desired and hungrily ravished and devoured by a man of my dreams. By Cupcake. Yeah, he will still make love to me in my dreams...
I'd love to visit Ireland one day. From all those novels I've been reading, Ireland seems like a romantic dreamland. Yes, I'll visit it one day, perhaps this year. I still have a ticket to London. I can go to Ireland via London perhaps. I doubt I'll see him again, but then again, I know my heart still wants to. Sigh.. the head and the heart, which do I follow?
Chris de Burgh has a song of that title..
Let us talk no more, let us go to sleep,
Let the rain fall on the window pane,
And fill the castle keep,
I am weary now, weary to my bones,
Weary from the travelling,
And the endless country roads,
That brought us here tonight, for this weekend,
And a chance to work it out,
For we cannot live together, and we cannot live apart,
It’s the classical dilemma between the head and the heart;
She is sleeping now, softly in the night,
And in my heart of darkness she has been the only light,
I am lost in love, looking at her face,
And still I hear the voice of reason,
Telling me to chase these dreams away,
Oh here we go again, we’re divided from the start,
For we cannot live together, and we cannot live apart,
It’s the classical dilemma between the head and the heart,
The head and the heart;
Now the dawn begins, and still I cannot sleep,
My head is spinning round but now the way is clear to me,
There is nothing left, nothing left to show,
The jury and the judge will see, it’s time to let her go,
Now hear the heart:
I believe that time will show,
She will always be a part of my world,
I don’t want to see her go;
So I plead my case to hear the heart,
And stay...
It’s time to let her go - I don’t want to let her go...
It’s time to let her go - I don’t want to let her go...
It’s time to let her go...
And in this classical dilemma,
I find for - the heart.
I guess in this case, I don't want to let him go.. i want to choose the heart instead of the head.
But I know, right now, I have chosen the head. Will it work? I don't know.
He'll always be in my heart.
As for now, chin up!! Back straight!! Chest out!! ..... tummmy out too~!! hahahaha :D
It's not the end of the world yet. True love will come your way again, one day.
Blogger has now upgraded itself with cool new features, hence last night I did a little upgrading to my template... just a few small minor touches to the colours. It now allows me to add a picture directly from the computer, I love that! Too bad I can't locate one that really fit perfectly to the mood of Tweetietalk... but, this pic of me in the hotel room in Amsterdam would suffice for now. I took this self portrait when we just checked into the Amsterdam hotel, it was morning and the sun was just beaming into the room... it was so cheery! Sigh.. I took this pic for Cupcake actually. Hmmm... Ok, think cheerful thoughts...
In 2006, I began to adore pink again. I've been majoring on blue for a large part of my life, but knowing me, I don't stick to certain preferences for too long, especially when it comes to colours. I love most colours but Blue has been an all time favourite. However, pink has been so sweet and appealing lately I've been pinking up a lot!!!! Ok, yah, there's no such word as "pinking" but who cares. Anyway for those previledge few who gets to read this blog, you are probably my close buddies, and my close buddies are usually intelligent beyond me. BWahahahahha!!
Yes, I still miss him badly. Yes, I still brood and sulk and mope around when my thoughts and emotions drift, and its always the most tormenting before I sleep. I can't sleep. Have not been able to fall asleep without the tightening of the heart muscles in aches... I've been a mini-alcoholic... having wine bottles hidden in my room so mum don't catch me drinking. Sigh.. but just as i've read or heard from somewhere, different people cope with grieve or failure or pain differently. Some will go out partying with friends, some put their energies into work or sports, some talk and talk and talk till they feel better (e.g. visit therapistssssss), some write & blog, some drown themselves in alcohol. I guess for me... hahaha.. erhmmm... I guess I talk to friends, blog.. and drink. But I have to watch it.. I really dont' wanna turn into an alcoholic.
Since that missed call on Saturday, I've not had peace of mind. Sighhhhhhhh. I hate that. Kept checking phone for text and checking gmail for any possible email from him. NONE. OK, I guess that missed call raised hopes again. I'll have to kill it. Kill the expectation, kill the hope that he would surprise me and melt my heart again. ET commented I am so easily pacified, its so easy to melt my heart with so little, just an email and empty promises is good enough to do the trick past few times, always make things so easy for the man. I guess maybe that's why he does not kwow how to treasure me when I'm still around. And because he knows I have weak will and the fact that I am hopelessly in love with him, devoted to him.. he thinks I'll just simmer down and be easily pursuaded to return... that I'm just throwing childish tantrums when I say I'm gone for good? Over the phone he said that whenever I said I'm leaving, he will just need to wait for 2-3 days and I'll be back. WTF. I can only blame myself. Anyway, that's the past. I'm just glad this time its been more than 3 days, bwahahahahaha!!!!!
Life is so empty without him. But yes, I will just have to accept it and learn to fill my life up once again with other things. That is within my control. But I will take my time to let my heart, soul, emotions heal. Just hope I'll get out of these clouds of depression soon. I'm definitely not ready for any romance. In fact I was just wondering ... if my love for him will ever die? I guess I don't want it to die yet. I miss loving him.
Have been doing some reading to fill up my hours. I've found Nora Roberts to be a wonderful writer.. the romance novels she wrote has been captivating and beautiful, emotions intense and beautifully written, especially in those stories with a touch of magic and fantasy. She writes modern romance, classical historical romance as well as those with magic fantasy with witches, wizards, warriors and faeries. Sighhhh... how I wish for myself to be swept off my feet, passionately desired and hungrily ravished and devoured by a man of my dreams. By Cupcake. Yeah, he will still make love to me in my dreams...
I'd love to visit Ireland one day. From all those novels I've been reading, Ireland seems like a romantic dreamland. Yes, I'll visit it one day, perhaps this year. I still have a ticket to London. I can go to Ireland via London perhaps. I doubt I'll see him again, but then again, I know my heart still wants to. Sigh.. the head and the heart, which do I follow?
Chris de Burgh has a song of that title..
Let us talk no more, let us go to sleep,
Let the rain fall on the window pane,
And fill the castle keep,
I am weary now, weary to my bones,
Weary from the travelling,
And the endless country roads,
That brought us here tonight, for this weekend,
And a chance to work it out,
For we cannot live together, and we cannot live apart,
It’s the classical dilemma between the head and the heart;
She is sleeping now, softly in the night,
And in my heart of darkness she has been the only light,
I am lost in love, looking at her face,
And still I hear the voice of reason,
Telling me to chase these dreams away,
Oh here we go again, we’re divided from the start,
For we cannot live together, and we cannot live apart,
It’s the classical dilemma between the head and the heart,
The head and the heart;
Now the dawn begins, and still I cannot sleep,
My head is spinning round but now the way is clear to me,
There is nothing left, nothing left to show,
The jury and the judge will see, it’s time to let her go,
Now hear the heart:
I believe that time will show,
She will always be a part of my world,
I don’t want to see her go;
So I plead my case to hear the heart,
And stay...
It’s time to let her go - I don’t want to let her go...
It’s time to let her go - I don’t want to let her go...
It’s time to let her go...
And in this classical dilemma,
I find for - the heart.
I guess in this case, I don't want to let him go.. i want to choose the heart instead of the head.
But I know, right now, I have chosen the head. Will it work? I don't know.
He'll always be in my heart.
As for now, chin up!! Back straight!! Chest out!! ..... tummmy out too~!! hahahaha :D
It's not the end of the world yet. True love will come your way again, one day.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
28/01 . Adjust, Change, Simplify
Still in depression. Yes I have to admit to still crying over him, and grieving over broken dreams, and having some resentments over several other things, and disappointments. But my heart has quietened down. However yesterday I had a miss call whilst out with SH, ... "unknown" caller, seems like from overseas. Could it be him? Sigh, that sets all the waves off again... just when the ripples have began to fade in the lake of my heart.
We have not been in contact for almost the longest time now. This time, somehow there is greater peace of mind. Perhaps it was because I was no longer waiting for any text or mail or call from him. In the past yes, I had wanted him to chase me back... I had hoped for him to anxious over me but he always chose to leave me alone instead, which further devastate me each time, crumbling to a puddle and crushed in my spirits.. and ran back to him because i miss him more. This time, its different. I don't expect calls, I don't expect mails, I don't expect anything. I just die to expectations.
Last spoke to him on Thursday.. 25th Jan. We didn't have a pleasant final conversation. I called him to apologise for what I said wrongly the other day that I know must have hurt him. I had to apologise for it. He deserved the apology. But I should have just ended the call at the apology.. sigh... Anyway, I said some nasty stuff out of my negative emotions, and told him there's no need to waste anymore of his call minutes on me, he can use them all on Hani. Told him they are perfect for each other. And yes, told him goodbye. What did he say? Well, at first he was still mocking at my "plan to leave", he took it lightly, obviously. And when i apologise that I can't live up to my promise to wait till March for him to sort things out with Hani bcos I know it ain't gonna happen so no point waiting... he said he will then also promise me he will not read my blog (the one that I posted after I got his email) - not unless I'm returning, for there is no point putting himself through reading it unless I'm not leaving. I told him its fine, he don't have to read it if he don't think its worth it, because that only shows me what his so called love for me is made of. I regret asking him to read it. I regret being so sincere and earnest in wanting him to understand me.
My after thoughts of that statement from him is negative :
(1) I will not have him blackmail me with reading the blog as a reason to return to this mess. I love him but this love can no longer tolerate his frolicking with Hani's heart and soul or whatever truth or lies I've been told. I am tired.
(2) Also, if he does not wish to read it, then he should not patronise me by reading it. So its fine. Let those who truly care for what is happening in my heart and mind and soul read it. What are friends for? There will be a few more who would love to read what I have to write no matter how it drags their day down, its just that I have not given them this right. So don't insult my blog by using it as leverage. And I'm a fool by offering it .... thinking that he loves enough to know what went wrong, to know how I was feeling. Perhaps i should not have expected such of men. Perhaps men in general are disappointing in these ways. I should not have softened my heart towards him. sigh.
(3) For him to promise NOT to read it, is breaking another promise. He had promised that he would read it, and after that he would write me a mail or more... to explain, to clarify, to give me a reason to stay. Hence, by not doing the above, he only took the option of not taking the action in giving me the reason to stay... i.e. He don't want to do anything about it. How sad for me. I feel sorry for myself. Anyway, what's the point, he won't be able to do what i required of him.
Anyway, I am beginning to think, what he had for me was but a crush.. a schoolboy crush. Just romance.. just feelings of love... love without committment nor sacrifice. I guess that's not the kind of love I'm looking for.
A friend who is going through divorce told me this of her husband : Her husband has a weakness for falling in love with women. Yes, almost every other month, he would fall in love with a new woman, and he really does love them. His feelings were true.. and he would not fight them nor hold them back from the women he was focused on. He never felt he was wrong, and sees himself as a good person. He was womanising without realising. He even told her to tolerate it, telling her that his "affair" will be over in a month or two... but how can she, as his wife, continues to understand and tolerate that? A woman can never tolerate the man she loves having another woman in his heart.
I heard a song today over the radio and was totally cynical when the man sang... he has enough love for two. OK, if you continue to listen, he meant love for "you and me". But when I heard "enough love for two"... I nearly choked. Paul has enough love for two certainly. Me and Hani. I don't. I only have enough love and attention for one. I am a simple girl, and my love is simple. I love wholeheartedly, my attention focused only on him and our possible future. My heart beat for him, my thoughts never ceased thinking and missing and loving him, counting the minutes till he wake in the morning and goes to work... counting the minutes to his lunch hour... counting the minutes till he walks home from work.. My life revolved around only him, other than the other essential duties of my life and family. It hurts that i have to share his attention with another woman, knowing that the other woman wanted his undivided love and attention for her as well. It became a power struggle.. where we were put in a position to justify our value and worth in this heart. Where I know I will always choose to walk away, because i'd rather take flight than fight. I don't want to have to fight for my man, I prefer to have my man fight to have me.
Right now, my life is simple again. Yes. It's hard to adjust. It's hard to not feel that deep grieving and sorrow and pain... but i only hope it will fade. I still ache for him, I still wonder how it would be like to make love to him... because it would be a long time from now for me to ever meet a man i want to give of myself to. For i crave intimacy of the soul that intensifies the physical intimacies. I wonder when will I kiss again with my soul and give of my heart to another man. It will be a long time. It will take time for what I felt for him to fade, then to heal, and then to find courage again to take the risk. I shudder at the thought of falling into the hands of another man who seeks only his own pleasure, cares only for his own peace and safety.
Time to hide for a while.
And time to throw out all the useless things that crowded my life as the chinese new year approaches. Clear the cobwebs, dispose of ancient documents and stuffs i've kept... sigh... stressful because I'll always have problem deciding to throw or to keep for another year!
Time to shut my laptop down too perhaps. Its been behaving like its gonna crash on me anytime. Have to seek some help in reformatting it and return it to the state when it was first purchased, perhaps. That means deleting stuff and backing up stuff. Hope it will work well again after that. Anyway, my internet activity has gone down almost to zero... no more early morning chats and weekend chats with my cupcake dearest. But perhaps yes, I'll still compile the chat history between us before I clear out the laptop.. they'll be lost and i can't let that happen. The chat history is almost our story. I treasure it... i'll stuff them into a blog, perhaps.
Let things be simple again. It's always easier to make life complicated again when you get tired of the simple stuff. Its harder to simplify things though, if you are not able to make hard decision or critical decisions in your life.
I always quote my brother when it comes to critical decisions : "Do what you'll not regret, and don't regret what you've done". Because, that's how we cope with life, making the best decisions we can with what we know and using the resources & advice we have at that point in time.
Sigh, but upon saying that...
I do feel a sense of regret for leaving. Because its a choice I made on his behalf. I made him choose between me and Hani, and knowing that he will not make such a choice, I have to go. It's stupid of me, but I guess staying on means continuing in this complicated relationship. I don't want to live in resentment and bitterness and end up hating him and making him hate me. Now at least I know I'll still continue to hold his love in my heart, and he will still be a special part of my memory... as my first boyfriend - the first real romance and relationship in my life that I count as a milestone.
Sometimes, loving is letting go. I have held on too tightly, and had tried too hard to make it work. I do not want to end up cornering him or manipulating him or twisting his arms to make him do things for me or love me. I am contented that he had loved me... I know he loves me.
OK. Time to go simplify things in my life. 2007 will be different.
We have not been in contact for almost the longest time now. This time, somehow there is greater peace of mind. Perhaps it was because I was no longer waiting for any text or mail or call from him. In the past yes, I had wanted him to chase me back... I had hoped for him to anxious over me but he always chose to leave me alone instead, which further devastate me each time, crumbling to a puddle and crushed in my spirits.. and ran back to him because i miss him more. This time, its different. I don't expect calls, I don't expect mails, I don't expect anything. I just die to expectations.
Last spoke to him on Thursday.. 25th Jan. We didn't have a pleasant final conversation. I called him to apologise for what I said wrongly the other day that I know must have hurt him. I had to apologise for it. He deserved the apology. But I should have just ended the call at the apology.. sigh... Anyway, I said some nasty stuff out of my negative emotions, and told him there's no need to waste anymore of his call minutes on me, he can use them all on Hani. Told him they are perfect for each other. And yes, told him goodbye. What did he say? Well, at first he was still mocking at my "plan to leave", he took it lightly, obviously. And when i apologise that I can't live up to my promise to wait till March for him to sort things out with Hani bcos I know it ain't gonna happen so no point waiting... he said he will then also promise me he will not read my blog (the one that I posted after I got his email) - not unless I'm returning, for there is no point putting himself through reading it unless I'm not leaving. I told him its fine, he don't have to read it if he don't think its worth it, because that only shows me what his so called love for me is made of. I regret asking him to read it. I regret being so sincere and earnest in wanting him to understand me.
My after thoughts of that statement from him is negative :
(1) I will not have him blackmail me with reading the blog as a reason to return to this mess. I love him but this love can no longer tolerate his frolicking with Hani's heart and soul or whatever truth or lies I've been told. I am tired.
(2) Also, if he does not wish to read it, then he should not patronise me by reading it. So its fine. Let those who truly care for what is happening in my heart and mind and soul read it. What are friends for? There will be a few more who would love to read what I have to write no matter how it drags their day down, its just that I have not given them this right. So don't insult my blog by using it as leverage. And I'm a fool by offering it .... thinking that he loves enough to know what went wrong, to know how I was feeling. Perhaps i should not have expected such of men. Perhaps men in general are disappointing in these ways. I should not have softened my heart towards him. sigh.
(3) For him to promise NOT to read it, is breaking another promise. He had promised that he would read it, and after that he would write me a mail or more... to explain, to clarify, to give me a reason to stay. Hence, by not doing the above, he only took the option of not taking the action in giving me the reason to stay... i.e. He don't want to do anything about it. How sad for me. I feel sorry for myself. Anyway, what's the point, he won't be able to do what i required of him.
Anyway, I am beginning to think, what he had for me was but a crush.. a schoolboy crush. Just romance.. just feelings of love... love without committment nor sacrifice. I guess that's not the kind of love I'm looking for.
A friend who is going through divorce told me this of her husband : Her husband has a weakness for falling in love with women. Yes, almost every other month, he would fall in love with a new woman, and he really does love them. His feelings were true.. and he would not fight them nor hold them back from the women he was focused on. He never felt he was wrong, and sees himself as a good person. He was womanising without realising. He even told her to tolerate it, telling her that his "affair" will be over in a month or two... but how can she, as his wife, continues to understand and tolerate that? A woman can never tolerate the man she loves having another woman in his heart.
I heard a song today over the radio and was totally cynical when the man sang... he has enough love for two. OK, if you continue to listen, he meant love for "you and me". But when I heard "enough love for two"... I nearly choked. Paul has enough love for two certainly. Me and Hani. I don't. I only have enough love and attention for one. I am a simple girl, and my love is simple. I love wholeheartedly, my attention focused only on him and our possible future. My heart beat for him, my thoughts never ceased thinking and missing and loving him, counting the minutes till he wake in the morning and goes to work... counting the minutes to his lunch hour... counting the minutes till he walks home from work.. My life revolved around only him, other than the other essential duties of my life and family. It hurts that i have to share his attention with another woman, knowing that the other woman wanted his undivided love and attention for her as well. It became a power struggle.. where we were put in a position to justify our value and worth in this heart. Where I know I will always choose to walk away, because i'd rather take flight than fight. I don't want to have to fight for my man, I prefer to have my man fight to have me.
Right now, my life is simple again. Yes. It's hard to adjust. It's hard to not feel that deep grieving and sorrow and pain... but i only hope it will fade. I still ache for him, I still wonder how it would be like to make love to him... because it would be a long time from now for me to ever meet a man i want to give of myself to. For i crave intimacy of the soul that intensifies the physical intimacies. I wonder when will I kiss again with my soul and give of my heart to another man. It will be a long time. It will take time for what I felt for him to fade, then to heal, and then to find courage again to take the risk. I shudder at the thought of falling into the hands of another man who seeks only his own pleasure, cares only for his own peace and safety.
Time to hide for a while.
And time to throw out all the useless things that crowded my life as the chinese new year approaches. Clear the cobwebs, dispose of ancient documents and stuffs i've kept... sigh... stressful because I'll always have problem deciding to throw or to keep for another year!
Time to shut my laptop down too perhaps. Its been behaving like its gonna crash on me anytime. Have to seek some help in reformatting it and return it to the state when it was first purchased, perhaps. That means deleting stuff and backing up stuff. Hope it will work well again after that. Anyway, my internet activity has gone down almost to zero... no more early morning chats and weekend chats with my cupcake dearest. But perhaps yes, I'll still compile the chat history between us before I clear out the laptop.. they'll be lost and i can't let that happen. The chat history is almost our story. I treasure it... i'll stuff them into a blog, perhaps.
Let things be simple again. It's always easier to make life complicated again when you get tired of the simple stuff. Its harder to simplify things though, if you are not able to make hard decision or critical decisions in your life.
I always quote my brother when it comes to critical decisions : "Do what you'll not regret, and don't regret what you've done". Because, that's how we cope with life, making the best decisions we can with what we know and using the resources & advice we have at that point in time.
Sigh, but upon saying that...
I do feel a sense of regret for leaving. Because its a choice I made on his behalf. I made him choose between me and Hani, and knowing that he will not make such a choice, I have to go. It's stupid of me, but I guess staying on means continuing in this complicated relationship. I don't want to live in resentment and bitterness and end up hating him and making him hate me. Now at least I know I'll still continue to hold his love in my heart, and he will still be a special part of my memory... as my first boyfriend - the first real romance and relationship in my life that I count as a milestone.
Sometimes, loving is letting go. I have held on too tightly, and had tried too hard to make it work. I do not want to end up cornering him or manipulating him or twisting his arms to make him do things for me or love me. I am contented that he had loved me... I know he loves me.
OK. Time to go simplify things in my life. 2007 will be different.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
23/01 . How do you mend a broken heart?
I finally called him last night... after much wrestle..
I just had to hear his voice again.
Called... and he answered. The same cheerful voice. I love his voice and the way he speaks and expresses his feelings in his voice. But I guess, I don't always like what he has to say whenever the subject of Hani comes up.
I wonder if he realised that his love for me has been degenerating and weakening by the day in terms of how he live up to his words. sigh.
I guess all I wanted to say to him is I love you. And all I wanted him to say .. is the same. Its something I'll never tire of hearing. But yes, I guess words are not enough for me.
I told him that I'm leaving and that is the only choice I have... he wants to know how he can keep me to stay, and I told him that I don't think he would do it, knowing him so well. So I told him that I've come to the point that I want him to make a choice - choose me or Hani, one of us has to go. He protested immediately, just as expected... and said its so unfair. Sigh... yup, it is indeed unfair. Sigh.. so i guess I'm right. He did not choose me. Or rather, I know he won't choose either of us, or he would want to keep both of us, knowing that Hani wants me out and if she knows he's still contacting me she's gone. But I know that as long as he did not choose me, I'm not chosen. Actually in many cases, he had already chosen Hani. From the minute Hani ask him if he is still in communication with me... and the moment he lied and said "NO"... he had chosen Hani. Because if he said yes, hani will go and he don't want that. If he had wanted me, he would have told Hani "yes", and leave her to deal with it. He chose to tell her "No" ...... I've been sacrificed.
And talking about fairness... has it ever been fair for me? has he ever been fair to me? He has always lied about me to Hani just to keep her with him. Was that fair to me? Was it fair when the world called me a pincher-from-others-plate and boyfriend snatcher when I"m accused of seducing him... and he just keep his head down? Did he try to get me out of this misunderstood "status" as soon as he can? No, he just try to prolong things with Hani and protecting her feelings....... Is it fair to me that when he claims that he loves me, he went and kiss Hani? Does he know that by kissing her, he reinforces that he still loves her? I know he will do more than just kiss me.. he wanna make love to me, but will that change the fact that he kissed her and expect me to just deal with it like a woman who should accept that her husband takes another lover? Is that fair to me? Does he know that by telling her that he no longer is in contact with me, he reinforces that she is the one he loves and he have cut me off? Does he know that he is still proving his love to Hani? He keeps saying that he loves only me and don't love hani anymore, then why does he keep doing things that only seem like he still loves her? Why?
If you want things to be fair, then tell hani the truth... that you love me. (Is that the truth?)
Let her choose how she will deal with this information, and if she choose to leave, let her leave or you can persuade her with more lies.. erm, i mean truth. sigh.
It has been so unfair for me... so unfair.
And he can actually tell me that in the time period where he can't make calls or text, the same goes to Hani too. Geez~!! Why would I give a fuck if hani has to suffer his lack of attention? In fact, why does he even have the need to call her? I need the truth!! There was a time, where he told me that the soft approach to sorting things out with her... is to reduce contact till there's none, and perhaps let the sizzling relationship die a natural death, and let her be the one who calls it off. But he apparently forgot, or changed his mind, or was just patronizing me. She must have said she'll walk out so many times, but he chased her back. There must have been so many opportunities for him to say the truth when confronted by her, but he'd rather lie than tell her straight... to keep her, knowing that there's nothing i can do about it but to deal with it, or that he knows he can pacify me or tell me .. perhaps white lies.. that will keep me quiet for a while.
I guess, he don't understand me (neither do I understand him anymore...... he always say he'll explain in a mail, but the mail never happen. so i never get to understand.) He has no idea how to put my feelings first. its a clear case that we are not compatible, I guess. I have always held on to the thought that... perhaps without Hani, there will be no more issues to fight about anymore. We just need to keep the love alive and dreams alive till the day he is free, and we marry and grow old together.. because we will be the best companions and soulmates... and sexmates too! I'm sure of that. We'll be so great as a couple.
I guess I'm wrong. its' a fantasy..... perhaps.
Without Hani, he will miss her badly. I know he will, because somehow, she holds an important place in his heart ... one that he'll never admit nor confess. I must have hurt his feelings last night when i told him i could not understand her hold over him.. i asked if it could be that she paid him money and he owe it to her? sigh, I never thought I'll say something like that, it just come out the wrong way. I don't think he'll ever forgive me.
Also, by the end of the conversation, i was sobbing and could not say a word... my heart was breaking into pieces because I know I'm leaving him for good, because he had made his choice - not me. I will not force him, and i don't think he'll think i'm worth the sacrifice. And he'll probably think that i might do the same to him if he befriend other women (he always think I'll do the same as Hani did, and that pisses me off each time.) And to my dismay, despite me crying over the phone... he had to go. And i could hear him telling his colleagues in the background not to go but to wait for him, they were probably going to get lunch or something. So he said goodbye and hung up. Sigh, how sweet. I feel sorry for myself. When i have a friend crying over the phone, I will, if in my power, put things on hold to console, to stay with the friend - what more if the person is my lover? He claims to love me more. Does he really?
My thoughts still goes to him endlessly, tears still shed for him as I continue to miss him.
I only hope that soon it will cease, and soon there will be peace in my heart again without the pain and the unfairness of staying in this love.
A friend said (after she caught me crying at my cubicle and pulled me into privacy to demand what happened and to knock sense into me), "Viv.. it has never been fair for you to start with. Look at all that you've done for him, even to the extent of planning your trips, and saving up, and OMG taking birth control pills - puttingyour body through that kind of stress and trauma... for a man who don't know how to understand and appreciate you. I've seen you done everything you can for him to love him, the tears you shed, the effort you put in, the compromise you took, the injuries you suffer. When you are crying and needed him with you, where is he? he hangs up the call on you! WAKE UP!!! You are worth so much better and you don't deserve to be treated this way Viv.... please, walk away, get a life, its obvious his heart is not with you. You need to see more men!! Stop comparing others to him and you might be able to accept someone new. Take timeout and don't think about love any more. Viv.. it pain me to see you crying like this all the time .. Yes I know how wonderful he is and I now you love him deeply, but he obviously is not contented with just you. How do you know if he is not telling the other woman the same loving things he's been telling you? how do you know? You are here so far away! TRUST? you still want to TRUST him? Come on lah Viv... what has he done to warrant your trust? Sigh, forget it, no point talking sense to you at this point. Just pull yourself together and stop crying in the office. He does not even know you're crying and hurting, and he probably is happily chatting with that woman and enjoying her attention. .... Aiyooooo, Yes, I know, you've said it before, so? So what if its your fault? why do you keep blaming yourself???? Yes you are in the wrong too, and yes you over-react and say things wrongly, but doesn't that prove that the 2 of you just don't get along? And here you are missing him and crying, is he missing you? Does he even give a f**k? Dry your tears and move on lah, find someone in future that only want to make you happy and who cares for your happiness, ugly or bald or fat or smelly nevermind, but at least he will try not to do anything to hurt you, who will be there with tissue paper or his sleeve when you cry. Good, smiling at last~!! OUI girl, I don't want to see you crying again, you understand!!!?? Hmm......!!?"
yes my dear friend, I understand. sorry to have worried you.. sighhhhh
I will try.
Time to get drunk.
I just had to hear his voice again.
Called... and he answered. The same cheerful voice. I love his voice and the way he speaks and expresses his feelings in his voice. But I guess, I don't always like what he has to say whenever the subject of Hani comes up.
I wonder if he realised that his love for me has been degenerating and weakening by the day in terms of how he live up to his words. sigh.
I guess all I wanted to say to him is I love you. And all I wanted him to say .. is the same. Its something I'll never tire of hearing. But yes, I guess words are not enough for me.
I told him that I'm leaving and that is the only choice I have... he wants to know how he can keep me to stay, and I told him that I don't think he would do it, knowing him so well. So I told him that I've come to the point that I want him to make a choice - choose me or Hani, one of us has to go. He protested immediately, just as expected... and said its so unfair. Sigh... yup, it is indeed unfair. Sigh.. so i guess I'm right. He did not choose me. Or rather, I know he won't choose either of us, or he would want to keep both of us, knowing that Hani wants me out and if she knows he's still contacting me she's gone. But I know that as long as he did not choose me, I'm not chosen. Actually in many cases, he had already chosen Hani. From the minute Hani ask him if he is still in communication with me... and the moment he lied and said "NO"... he had chosen Hani. Because if he said yes, hani will go and he don't want that. If he had wanted me, he would have told Hani "yes", and leave her to deal with it. He chose to tell her "No" ...... I've been sacrificed.
And talking about fairness... has it ever been fair for me? has he ever been fair to me? He has always lied about me to Hani just to keep her with him. Was that fair to me? Was it fair when the world called me a pincher-from-others-plate and boyfriend snatcher when I"m accused of seducing him... and he just keep his head down? Did he try to get me out of this misunderstood "status" as soon as he can? No, he just try to prolong things with Hani and protecting her feelings....... Is it fair to me that when he claims that he loves me, he went and kiss Hani? Does he know that by kissing her, he reinforces that he still loves her? I know he will do more than just kiss me.. he wanna make love to me, but will that change the fact that he kissed her and expect me to just deal with it like a woman who should accept that her husband takes another lover? Is that fair to me? Does he know that by telling her that he no longer is in contact with me, he reinforces that she is the one he loves and he have cut me off? Does he know that he is still proving his love to Hani? He keeps saying that he loves only me and don't love hani anymore, then why does he keep doing things that only seem like he still loves her? Why?
If you want things to be fair, then tell hani the truth... that you love me. (Is that the truth?)
Let her choose how she will deal with this information, and if she choose to leave, let her leave or you can persuade her with more lies.. erm, i mean truth. sigh.
It has been so unfair for me... so unfair.
And he can actually tell me that in the time period where he can't make calls or text, the same goes to Hani too. Geez~!! Why would I give a fuck if hani has to suffer his lack of attention? In fact, why does he even have the need to call her? I need the truth!! There was a time, where he told me that the soft approach to sorting things out with her... is to reduce contact till there's none, and perhaps let the sizzling relationship die a natural death, and let her be the one who calls it off. But he apparently forgot, or changed his mind, or was just patronizing me. She must have said she'll walk out so many times, but he chased her back. There must have been so many opportunities for him to say the truth when confronted by her, but he'd rather lie than tell her straight... to keep her, knowing that there's nothing i can do about it but to deal with it, or that he knows he can pacify me or tell me .. perhaps white lies.. that will keep me quiet for a while.
I guess, he don't understand me (neither do I understand him anymore...... he always say he'll explain in a mail, but the mail never happen. so i never get to understand.) He has no idea how to put my feelings first. its a clear case that we are not compatible, I guess. I have always held on to the thought that... perhaps without Hani, there will be no more issues to fight about anymore. We just need to keep the love alive and dreams alive till the day he is free, and we marry and grow old together.. because we will be the best companions and soulmates... and sexmates too! I'm sure of that. We'll be so great as a couple.
I guess I'm wrong. its' a fantasy..... perhaps.
Without Hani, he will miss her badly. I know he will, because somehow, she holds an important place in his heart ... one that he'll never admit nor confess. I must have hurt his feelings last night when i told him i could not understand her hold over him.. i asked if it could be that she paid him money and he owe it to her? sigh, I never thought I'll say something like that, it just come out the wrong way. I don't think he'll ever forgive me.
Also, by the end of the conversation, i was sobbing and could not say a word... my heart was breaking into pieces because I know I'm leaving him for good, because he had made his choice - not me. I will not force him, and i don't think he'll think i'm worth the sacrifice. And he'll probably think that i might do the same to him if he befriend other women (he always think I'll do the same as Hani did, and that pisses me off each time.) And to my dismay, despite me crying over the phone... he had to go. And i could hear him telling his colleagues in the background not to go but to wait for him, they were probably going to get lunch or something. So he said goodbye and hung up. Sigh, how sweet. I feel sorry for myself. When i have a friend crying over the phone, I will, if in my power, put things on hold to console, to stay with the friend - what more if the person is my lover? He claims to love me more. Does he really?
My thoughts still goes to him endlessly, tears still shed for him as I continue to miss him.
I only hope that soon it will cease, and soon there will be peace in my heart again without the pain and the unfairness of staying in this love.
A friend said (after she caught me crying at my cubicle and pulled me into privacy to demand what happened and to knock sense into me), "Viv.. it has never been fair for you to start with. Look at all that you've done for him, even to the extent of planning your trips, and saving up, and OMG taking birth control pills - puttingyour body through that kind of stress and trauma... for a man who don't know how to understand and appreciate you. I've seen you done everything you can for him to love him, the tears you shed, the effort you put in, the compromise you took, the injuries you suffer. When you are crying and needed him with you, where is he? he hangs up the call on you! WAKE UP!!! You are worth so much better and you don't deserve to be treated this way Viv.... please, walk away, get a life, its obvious his heart is not with you. You need to see more men!! Stop comparing others to him and you might be able to accept someone new. Take timeout and don't think about love any more. Viv.. it pain me to see you crying like this all the time .. Yes I know how wonderful he is and I now you love him deeply, but he obviously is not contented with just you. How do you know if he is not telling the other woman the same loving things he's been telling you? how do you know? You are here so far away! TRUST? you still want to TRUST him? Come on lah Viv... what has he done to warrant your trust? Sigh, forget it, no point talking sense to you at this point. Just pull yourself together and stop crying in the office. He does not even know you're crying and hurting, and he probably is happily chatting with that woman and enjoying her attention. .... Aiyooooo, Yes, I know, you've said it before, so? So what if its your fault? why do you keep blaming yourself???? Yes you are in the wrong too, and yes you over-react and say things wrongly, but doesn't that prove that the 2 of you just don't get along? And here you are missing him and crying, is he missing you? Does he even give a f**k? Dry your tears and move on lah, find someone in future that only want to make you happy and who cares for your happiness, ugly or bald or fat or smelly nevermind, but at least he will try not to do anything to hurt you, who will be there with tissue paper or his sleeve when you cry. Good, smiling at last~!! OUI girl, I don't want to see you crying again, you understand!!!?? Hmm......!!?"
yes my dear friend, I understand. sorry to have worried you.. sighhhhh
I will try.
Time to get drunk.
Monday, January 22, 2007
22/01 - I just feel like dying
There were only a few occasions in my life I really felt like dying and ending it all...
Today is one of such.
I didn't really stop crying last night.. came to the office with swollen eyes. Cried silently and secretly when I found myself alone.. just like right now.. but I wish I'm alone in the office. Was caught crying by someone and had to say I'm OK though she is so totally unconvinced. sigh..
Silence from him ... I don't blame him. what can he say?
I just felt that I've lost everything... i lost the love that i've found. I have strangled it with my own hands... I have destroyed the very thing i loved. I drove the man away, I drained him with my negative energy, I've hurt him more than I'll ever know. I know so.
Why? why can't I just stay.. and wait? and believe? Why do i wash my face with tears and feel this utter sense of hopelessness? I wish the tears could stop gushing out each time I think of him.
Why can't I just love him without wanting to possess all of his love? Why can't I just let him love me and take what he can spare for me? Why can't I be contented with the crumbs that falls off his table?
Why do i regret so bitterly and miss him so badly each time after I said goodbye?
Why do I ask of the impossible from an ordinary man? My expectations are too high.. serves me right that I'm left on the shelf.
The only men who wanted to date me either just want to get intimate without committments, or are those I can never find myself to accept. I was so desparate for a comforting soul today and not wanting to bother ET again... i asked Martin and Robin if they mind just meeting for a drink. Yes, that's all i need... someone to sit with me.. i would love to ask Alvin too, but I know he's ill and not free. Martin replied he's back with his girlfriend and won't meet. I replied its alright, I just need someone to have a drink with, and not expecting anything more than just a friend. He said, he don't do friends. Eeeek, WTF does he mean? Anyway, I decided to make a critical decision.. time to simplify my life in clean out the freaks. So I replied that I get the idea that I should not contact him EVER again and will gladly do so. Yes, CHEERS~!! Glad I did it.
Robin replied yes, but suggested all the deserted places like Labrador Park and Sentosa. Somehow that made me uncomfortable, i don't wanna get raped or be trapped in a compromised situation. So i asked jokingly if those places he's proposing are too secluded and quiet, would I be able to escape if he decided to turn werewolf haha. But he took offence to it hahahaha... OMG... and called it off, saying since I seemed concerned, he would rather not meet me for the sake of his own safety. Too bad for him, he won't get me to go out with him again. Blehhhhh... Anyway, with my kind of personality, who would really wanna go out with me?
Sigh, and with these disappointing examples of men... i started weeping again.. missing him so much. He has been so good to me, so tolerant, so sweet, so loving. Why do i leave him? Why do I doubt him? Why can't I share him with hani? Why?? Why do I have to just run away??? but i have to, .. because i'm in pain and when i am in pain i cut and run without considering what am i cutting off. I wish I am less sentimental and wish I'm stronger. I guess i must be so brave to have left him-- knowing that I can't live without him, hur hur. Stupid woman.
Sigh, how do I go on?
I guess, I just have to keep breathing... keep breathing.. keep walking.. keep living.
I miss you cupcake. I miss you so much.
I just feel like dying today.
Thoughts continue to flood my mind about the both of them. I guess she's probably on the phone with him now.. its his lunch hour. I wonder at what kind of time does she call him? Lunch time? on his way to work? on his way home? ... I called him the other day when he's on his way to work and its off. he said it was raining. But now, i would liken to think that as a lie, because its easier to tell me that it was raining, compared to telling me hani called. Sigh..
That day when he called me at midnite when I was out with Robin, I returned his call within 5mins and his phone was again engaged for 10mins or so. He said he called M. But now, as I think back, was it M? or was it Hani? Why would he call M when he will be home in 10mins? I don't know. I guess because of Hani, I am now beginning to waver in my trust. I believed him then, right now, I don't know what is the truth......
If I call him now, will he answer? Or would I found the phone engaged... and knowing in my heart that he's probably on the phone with her?
Sigh, get a life, viv. Get a life. If he loves you, he won't lie to you. (so does this means he don't love hani since he lies to her? WTF.)
I don't think there's hope for this love to be repaired, ... but love often conquers all and chose to turn a blind eye to things.
I just feel like dying.
Today is one of such.
I didn't really stop crying last night.. came to the office with swollen eyes. Cried silently and secretly when I found myself alone.. just like right now.. but I wish I'm alone in the office. Was caught crying by someone and had to say I'm OK though she is so totally unconvinced. sigh..
Silence from him ... I don't blame him. what can he say?
I just felt that I've lost everything... i lost the love that i've found. I have strangled it with my own hands... I have destroyed the very thing i loved. I drove the man away, I drained him with my negative energy, I've hurt him more than I'll ever know. I know so.
Why? why can't I just stay.. and wait? and believe? Why do i wash my face with tears and feel this utter sense of hopelessness? I wish the tears could stop gushing out each time I think of him.
Why can't I just love him without wanting to possess all of his love? Why can't I just let him love me and take what he can spare for me? Why can't I be contented with the crumbs that falls off his table?
Why do i regret so bitterly and miss him so badly each time after I said goodbye?
Why do I ask of the impossible from an ordinary man? My expectations are too high.. serves me right that I'm left on the shelf.
The only men who wanted to date me either just want to get intimate without committments, or are those I can never find myself to accept. I was so desparate for a comforting soul today and not wanting to bother ET again... i asked Martin and Robin if they mind just meeting for a drink. Yes, that's all i need... someone to sit with me.. i would love to ask Alvin too, but I know he's ill and not free. Martin replied he's back with his girlfriend and won't meet. I replied its alright, I just need someone to have a drink with, and not expecting anything more than just a friend. He said, he don't do friends. Eeeek, WTF does he mean? Anyway, I decided to make a critical decision.. time to simplify my life in clean out the freaks. So I replied that I get the idea that I should not contact him EVER again and will gladly do so. Yes, CHEERS~!! Glad I did it.
Robin replied yes, but suggested all the deserted places like Labrador Park and Sentosa. Somehow that made me uncomfortable, i don't wanna get raped or be trapped in a compromised situation. So i asked jokingly if those places he's proposing are too secluded and quiet, would I be able to escape if he decided to turn werewolf haha. But he took offence to it hahahaha... OMG... and called it off, saying since I seemed concerned, he would rather not meet me for the sake of his own safety. Too bad for him, he won't get me to go out with him again. Blehhhhh... Anyway, with my kind of personality, who would really wanna go out with me?
Sigh, and with these disappointing examples of men... i started weeping again.. missing him so much. He has been so good to me, so tolerant, so sweet, so loving. Why do i leave him? Why do I doubt him? Why can't I share him with hani? Why?? Why do I have to just run away??? but i have to, .. because i'm in pain and when i am in pain i cut and run without considering what am i cutting off. I wish I am less sentimental and wish I'm stronger. I guess i must be so brave to have left him-- knowing that I can't live without him, hur hur. Stupid woman.
Sigh, how do I go on?
I guess, I just have to keep breathing... keep breathing.. keep walking.. keep living.
I miss you cupcake. I miss you so much.
I just feel like dying today.
Thoughts continue to flood my mind about the both of them. I guess she's probably on the phone with him now.. its his lunch hour. I wonder at what kind of time does she call him? Lunch time? on his way to work? on his way home? ... I called him the other day when he's on his way to work and its off. he said it was raining. But now, i would liken to think that as a lie, because its easier to tell me that it was raining, compared to telling me hani called. Sigh..
That day when he called me at midnite when I was out with Robin, I returned his call within 5mins and his phone was again engaged for 10mins or so. He said he called M. But now, as I think back, was it M? or was it Hani? Why would he call M when he will be home in 10mins? I don't know. I guess because of Hani, I am now beginning to waver in my trust. I believed him then, right now, I don't know what is the truth......
If I call him now, will he answer? Or would I found the phone engaged... and knowing in my heart that he's probably on the phone with her?
Sigh, get a life, viv. Get a life. If he loves you, he won't lie to you. (so does this means he don't love hani since he lies to her? WTF.)
I don't think there's hope for this love to be repaired, ... but love often conquers all and chose to turn a blind eye to things.
I just feel like dying.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
17/01 . Seasons Finale - Cupcake Kitty Love
How do I begin this post? Its the first post of 2007 and I've not been blogging since Nov-06. There's been good times and bad times since, mostly bad times. Paul has been the source of joy and the intoxicating addictive sweetness of love.... yet also he has been the source of pain far beyond my imagination... more becoz of his continuous entanglements with Hani and the "series of unfortunate events" (in my perspectives) surrounding the both of us, killing often the joy of being able to just talk and enjoy what we've found in each other. Its' mostly me... the one who got upset, got into a rage, got disappointed, got devastated, got hurt, .. urgh.. just name all the negative emotions. Yes, got negative all the time.
Well, Hani has been in London since middle of December. She had wanted him to meet her, go out for drinks, stay overnight at the hotel (or did he volunteer that?) ... and make love to her as her special birthday gift ... for her 40th birthday. Of course i went frantic and became extremely insecure. No matter what the world might determined about where I stand with him in terms of "status"..he is still whom I see as my boyfriend, and I felt so intimately close and connected to him as though we're already husband and wife... (gosh i sound so delusional!!!). I was so dismayed and in pain I want to just end it all and walk away, or to just take a total break from him so I will not be in contact with him to know what took place... to just stick my head in the sand like an Ostrich.. but he wouldn't let me. To assure me and make me stay, he had told me his absolute resolutions to put my feelings first because of his love for me and will not do anything that he thinks will hurt me. He told me he nolonger feel the same about Hani, their friendship has been breaking down and he hope to sort things out but not during her birthday and her stay in London. Besides, he is not happy that she had made such a request of him for a birthday gift... and making love with Hani or anything esle that spells "intimacy" like kissing or touching will only confuse and further complicate things if he wanted to sort things out with her eventually. It is best to "keep the distance" and keep things cordial... not his words, but the gist of how he presented it to me.
He also explained why he wanted to stay overnight.. more because of safety.. because they will have drinks till late, and to travel so late in London half drunk is risking being robbed, moreover he probably won't be staying in the same hotel as Hani if he did stay overnight because of the room availability and cost. However, he then told me that he had decided he will not stay over in London even if for safety reasons... just because he cares for how i would feel. I was so touched that I cried (for almost an hour) and went soft in my knees at that time that he would do that for me. It meant a lot to me, my heart totally melted and I could feel his love for me thru that action. Sigh.. ... .. Then things begin to waver when Hani got mad at him for trying to change plans. She told him if he's not going to make love to her then don't bother to even go meet her since her birthday is just a "normal day" and some other things she said to make him feel worthless. She went silent on him after that. But when they started contact again, he went silent on me about the arrangements ( I know he's not accountable to me, but I had hope he'll involve me by telling me so I don't start feeling insecure, so I don't have to ask him in order to find out... so i don't get the feeling that he's trying to hide things from me)... and last I know he was going to spend more than one day with her. This whole saga is really confusing to me.... because a few days before he was just telling me how she made him felt worthless and "bought" and how he was annoyed with her attitudes and things she said. Then now he acted as though a day is not enough to spend with her and he can't wait to run to her (and yes, recently he told me he miss her...) so HEY, what's the deal here? is he just throwing smoke screens at me? Was he just telling me there's nothing between them and how pissed he is with her just to make me feel at ease that they are not close? Was I being entirely naively trusting?
Anyway, with all the assurances he gave.... He did went ahead with things that he knew will hurt me if i get to know. Yup, I remember asking him when we're on the phone... I asked him.. "will you do anything that you knew will hurt me, even if you know you can hide from me forever?". He said NO. I believed him. Yes, anyone reading this would think I'm the silliest woman on earth.
I cannot believe the contents of the email I received this morning. He mentioned briefly about his meet up with Hani, and admitted in a casual tone that ... yes they kissed and that is "as far as he will tell me" (he wrote "Hmmm Yes we did kiss in London I will tell you that much"). HAHAHAHHAA OMG!!!! That means there's more!!! He's only telling me that much, and not telling about the rest..?? They could have gone all the way with foreplay and touch and sucks and licks and orgasms!!! SO??????? if he had not, the right way to say it is.. : " Yes we kissed, but that's as far as we went so don't get any ideas don't let your imagination run further than this"... not "I will tell you that much"!!!!! HE GAVE ABSOLUTELY NO ASSURANCE!!!! In fact, it sounded like he's bragging!! I could even think that Hani wrote that line herself!!!! What the fuck! Am I supposed to be very understanding about it? The very moment he went ahead for the kiss with her, he had hurt me more than he can imagine. So, he would rather hurt me than Hani? It takes 2 to kiss, and it is intimacy when it comes to Hani. It is not casual dating between them. And it complicates matters. Yes, he did say he did not do anything to sort things out with Hani. Its fine. But he does seem to warm things up successfully! This is worse than not sorting things out!!! And I'm sure, when Hani is back to Singapore, they will resume frequent contacts again because all the dead coal has been set ablazed... all is well now... Paul and Hani, back together in sweet warm love. And... I guess... Hani got her birthday gift the way she want it, did she? What a triumphant love affair!
Oh yes this reminds me... when we first talked about this topic he was so absolutely sure that Hani can never have a moment with him alone although she would try to get rid of her niece and daughter who are there to keep an eye on her. I have asked him, WHAT IF she succeeded in getting alone with him? What will he do? He said he won't do anything. And I ask, what if she uses emotional blackmail? What if she force herself upon you? What if she try to arouse you?...... He said he will still not touch her and he will really hate to have to reject her and force an issue at a time like this. HAHAHHAHA.... OMG.... Should i laugh now? It didn't seem to happen this way. For him to kiss her, he must have felt something in his heart and soul... it must have been an expression of love. I can just imagine the sweet smile on both their faces... the way they would have looked at each other naughtily and then embrace and lock lips. Sigh.. OUCH. Oh, and unless they kissed and make out in front of those 2 girls, I will only conclude that they were alone, either in her room, or in a nice stairwell or corner for such stuff. I doubt Hani will kiss in public. So, she DID managed to get time alone with him. I rest my case, your honour!!! I knew she could do it though he thinks she couldn't. And anyway, so she managed to get alone with him and he went ahead to kiss her. All the bullshit about how he will consider my feelings and the bullshit about how it will complicate things. Its all her feelings and perhaps how horny she made him perhaps. Yes, I might be wrong, and unless he writes me again to explain more clearly i will never know and since he left things to my imagination i can only conclude things this way. And since I will choose not to talk to him again i won't ever get my answer. I wish I am wrong. I wish he will tell me how wrong I am. Yes, silly me, I still want to find the reason to believe in him and his love, I still want to give him the benefit of all doubts.
The next part of the message talked about him lying to Hani to cover up his existing connection to me. He lied when Hani asked if he is still communicating with me. Yup, he said no he has not been communicating with me. Yes, its true, a white lie, we're not talking for a few days bcos i was devastated and upset about his trip to meet Hani and the way he had made it seem unimportant for me to know, that its none of my business. It's disappointing... because just a week before that he was telling me that if Hani ask if he still chatted with me he will say Yes. But things have changed I guess. After meeting her, he probably felt stronger about not wanting to lose her, and since I'm not there, feel free to deny my existence so she can be happy. So i guess, i should make the lie he told a permanent truth. Who am I anyway? You don't do that to someone you said you love. You don't diminish their value in your life. I feel hurt that he made me feel so worthless in front of Hani. Where is the valiant man who told me he will tell it to Hani's face that he is still close in contact with me? Why make me feel so starry eyes and touched by those brave words, and in action let me down? What can I say in reply to him when he tell me he lied to her? Yes, I forgive you paul, because i do understand how difficult it is for you. But I can't go on letting you do this to me.
OMG! Am i supposed to be comforted that she came acoss the video of me singing him birthday song and spoilt her moment at the airport? Again he tried to make her think that I sent the vid to her instead of him taking it in person. I guess he know that if he admit it he will probably never see her again. Is she so important to him that he had to use lies to keep her back? And as for me, I will never want him to use lies to keep me in his life. NO. DON'T EVER. Don't use lies to keep anyone in your life... that is deception, and that is absolutely selfish, and that is not honourable. He has so many opportunities to make things right, but he has chosen to compromise me, hide me. It is because he does not want to lose Hani. He's there to make her happy keep her happy maybe pleasure her. So, he's ready to lose me hurt me and hope I'll understand and stay? In the presence of Hani, I am made zero? How long does he intend to keep this going? Sighhhhh..... He took me for granted big time. I am not so understanding and evergreen.
Also, he talked about how he realised things will not work out with Hani judging by words and actions during their time together and he felt he can never belong to her world. OMG is he even still thinking that as an option? to work out with hani?? to belong in her world?????? I would think that he should only be thinking whether things will work out with me! Right now he's the only man I love and want to marry and be with, I won't even bother to think if me and Alvin or Martin or whoever will "work out". I only think about how things will work out with him alone!!!!! And I know, with Hani in the picture, nothing will ever work out between me and Paul.
Another thing so unfair about hiding me ... is....
I'm sure in this rendevous and romantic meeting they have in London, they would have taken lots of sweet close couple pictures together... Hani will ensure that! Maybe he wore back the watarabibi ring too! Maybe he gave her the sense of worthiness to wear back that ring too! I bet when she's back, she's certain to post the pics in her blog or if there's still a Yahoo 360 or Friendster, it'll be up like a flag. A Declaration. I'm sure she would love to brag to me about her victory and triumph and how sizzling things were ... starting with the hungry look and the passionate kiss that followed.. and pictures to prove them. I won't get to see it of course. But I'll be dying to ask him... will he even stop her from putting up those pictures of him & her in London? will he even mind that she puts them up? will he even feel annoyed? NO. Because he is not hiding her from anyone other than M. Because he never lied to me about her visit nor the fact that they were intimate. Because she is his "wife" or "girlfriend" whatever their relationship is.. what's wrong with posting a couple pic? She's not gonna send those pics to M anyway. And whats wrong with kissing and sucking her nipples and licking her pussy or just making love? Who am I to even question him? Ok i'm loosing it for sure, look at my language! OMG what has become of me?! I'm just sore that I can't even mention Enfield UK in my pictures caption i posted in Friendster. I deleted them because it affected him, ... fearing Hani will see it and blow up, fearing Hani will do nasty things... fearing that his lies will be exposed... fearing anything except how i would feel. In fact, his initial questioning was in a tone of accusation asking me why can't I just use "UK" like the others where i just put "Norway" as the location. I was so mad!!!!! I only used "Norway" for those pics bcos I don't fucking remember where the hell and long name I can't pronounced nor spell of that town i took that pic from, and I used Enfield because that place was special to me..... it was where I met you and fall in love... it was sentimental... it was where i felt like a princess in love..where i want to shout to my whole world I found true love! I just want to cry so much now that my heart is breaking...
Anyway all these are in a way irrelevant. He had texted me a week ago to say that I'm right ... that he could never leave his kids... he thought he could but he don't think he can ever. So that ends our story. I'm not a family breaker... i had never wanted him to abandon his kids nor leave them. When he last said that to me (that he can't leave his kids), I had called him to say goodbye because that ended the story with us. There will not be any future for us if he is unable to free himself. At that time, we chat .. and he made a new committment to me.... he said has thought for a few days, and now he is absolute and determined, he can do it, he have to find a way. He said, what he meant by not leaving them is ... he won't initiate the breakup with M resulting in leaving his kids -- but if M is the one who kicks him out its a different story -- it means he's kicked out and asked to leave, not that he is abandoning them. And then he informed me that he has applied for the apartment (i was greatly surprised and that kept me staying on bcos he had taken actual action) and the plan is... when M & kids move in that is when he will move out and free himself. I wasn't convinced at that time, and ask him if he's really sure. YES, he said. I said please do not be double-minded or waver again... and he said NO, he will NOT waver, he's really sure he wants to have a life with me. Well, now, guess what? He wavered. I don't blame him. In fact, I expected it... i know how close and attached he is to his kids. And by him sending that text, it meant that even if M kicked him out, he will not go. So now again, end of story. he will not be able to convince me again. He will have to say something else that i can ever believe.
Yes I still love him, deeply.. hopelessly in love. In fact, just yesterday I was considering returning to talking and maybe still meet up in April when i fly Europe again for a possible HR meeting that has been mentioned. I'm still thinking that perhaps meeting up again will be nice. I still love him and it won't stop.. and its hard to be in love and not see each other when life provides the opportunity. Besides I still have a free sin-lon-sin return tickets... and a free travel voucher to some destinations in europe for 7 nights. Sigh.. .. I don't know..
Although, him being unable to leave his kids spells no future for me and him to be together, that does not mean we can't love each other or have a relationship. However, to keep this love or relationship, it means that he can't pay the price, and all the price needs to be paid by me -- i.e. staying single and staying in an affair with him, long distance, hidden from M's knowledge (and Hani's knowledge). Perhaps in 10 years when his children are grown and independent we can finally marry. In the beginning, I had wanted to wait 10 years for him, but now, i know I don't have what it takes anymore. I no longer have the courage nor hope nor faith in him that when the day comes he will do as he said. Anyway, at the rate we're always fighting over hani, our relationship and love will be strained and destroyed within another year with all these strife. It won't survive. Or rather, I know I won't survive. I need peace and stability and security and protected love. So... is there the possibility of a future for me and him? don't seem so. Not unless he make some hard decisions and stick by it.
Hence if there's no future between us to look forward to, there's no room for a relationship to exist. it will only lead to immense pain for me. I have moved way past friendship and it is something i cannot return to, not after a few years when I have someone else in my life perhaps. Hence, logically, and naturally, this also eliminates the necessity for him to sort things out with Hani by March this year. I had given an ultimatum that if he don't sort things with Hani (i.e. he and her just friends, no more lovers in relationship, committments, accountability, responsibility etc.) I will walk away. Yes, because if he never made an attempt then I don't even need to look forward to the day where he would sort things with M. Moreoever I'm tired of being hidden, and I'm tired of him lying to Hani about me, and I'm tired of him cowering and upset by Hani's moods and control, I'm tired of getting confused and insecure whenever he shows Hani more respect and submission, I'm tired of him saying not ever wanting to lose Hani.. and I'm tired of everything Hani. And no, I can't treat her as invisible, I am not blind nor do I want him to "hide" her. He has no idea how, in the past 6 months, he has proven to me his love for her, and his protection over how she would feel, his fear about what she can do to him & family if she finds out about me, and how fast he forgets how nasty she made him feel and still continue to hold on to her like precious pearls while hurting me bringing me pain and telling me he loves me more. I had wanted a Hani-problem-free relationship with him that could last till the day where he has the apartment and sort things with M. (Yes, I'm sure without Hani, I would last much much luch longer). Its all irrelevant now. In fact, I'm starting to feel strongly there is more to it than meets the eye about things between him and Hani, it constantly makes me feel uncomfortable about the real reason why he can't let go of her, what's her hold over him, ... and whenever I ask him, his answers are always " I don't know".
And with the fact that I am still deeply in love with him, despite the fact that I can never be with him, I am still completely vulnerable and possessive over him. Hence, whatever he has done with Hani in london, be it told or untold, hurts me beyond repair. I no longer know how to pick up these pieces of my heart that still loves him. I no longer want my heart to beat for him again. I wish to feel dead than to continue with these pains and disappointments. i feel lost and lonely without him, he's been my soulmate and true love, I will never forget him... and I know I will always love him in a special way. But the relationship will have to end. Was there any to begin with? Or has it been a fantasy? I guess I will have to admit... there is a relationship. He count as my first boyfriend. And this will be a milestone in my life. My first boyfriend is Paul. My lover, my soulmate, my cupcake and sweetness... the man i think of, dream of and missed endlessly for the past 6 months and the months to come.. maybe years.
It's also a wonder how fast he can change his mind. Sigh, OK its not fair to say he changed his mind. I'm sure he meant every word he said.. just that he had given it more thought and realised its "mission impossible". Just over christmas and new year he talked about how this year he wanna prioritise and put me first, my feelings first, and speed things up in sorting things with M, turn the wheels faster so he can be with me. How silly of me to be feeling so touched and moved to tears and excited and bragged about it to my close buddies. I've even told dad about him... and how wonderful he is, and how sincere he is about wanting to have a life with me despite the complications... that he would come to singapore to meet my parents to express his genuine desire to marry me one day.
Do men just declare love and make promises without backing them up with actual actions? Without taking responsibility for what they have said? without giving it enough thought if they know what are they saying???!? What he said has meant a lot to me, those are promises that decides the future, provides hope, fuels desires, gives courage & strength to brave storms and oppositions to this love! BUT.... when those promises failed.. when tested or reminded... the easy excuse is "oh... i forgot" or met with a "I'm sorry". Well, then no one will ever take what you said seriously anymore, don't blame anyone for doubting you. A man is as good as his word. It does seem like a character flaw which I am seeing clearly now. It has been fine in the past to bear with the disappointments, but now I begin to see it as a deal breaker. I had been through enough disappointments for the past 6 months. I'm tired now... I crumbling down and I'm going insane.
Yet, why do i still love him?
He's not perfect, neither am I.
And Yes I love him still, for many many many reasons. Someone once said to me, that she had know me as the type of person who... when my heart has been touched, I will give it whole and more to the extend of giving it all to that person in reciprocation. And she knows that when I fall in love, it will be an all consuming love. How true! sigh... and this brings to mind what Tim said about me .. a moth to the fire. But I stand tall and proud about my love. I'm not a coward when it comes to love. But now is the time to face reality. Make a choice.
I will walk away and not look back this time.
His email does not deserve nor warrant my reply. If I did reply i vouch it will not be nice words. Silence may be the most melodious reply at this hour compared to one that hides my true thoughts and emotions.
Perhaps when I've cooled down and can think with a clear head, I will re-read his email. As usual, I blew up blindly like a few volcanoes each time and can't see thru the smokes ashes and lava. Perhaps after I calmed down, my perspectives will be different. Perhaps I would be able to see that he was trying very hard to save what's between us, that he wanted me to trust him and that I have overlooked the fact that he was being honest with me when he needn't, knowing I will surely explode and just wishing I won't? Sighhhhhh....
Right now.. Am I OK? No, I am so totally not OK. i feel like a deadfish, I feel as though something within me is dying, I feel tears choked up within, yet I feel like hugging him and wish i can still make love to him and and wish that everything is fine again.
I've not seen him text or write or say " i love you" recently. OK, it doesn't mean he don't love me. Probably he is feeling confused himself about what he wants and who he loves or loves more. He loves both that's what I am sure of. Anyway, he is in a dilemma. If hani knows he's still in touch with me, she'll walk, and if he hides me, I'll walk, and he's trying to find the solution where he can keep both. FORGET IT!!!!! I'll save him the trouble. He can keep Hani. Hani can keep him. There is no way he can keep both of us now. Today I will also change my mind. Its either she or me in his life. And since I know he would choose BOTH, I will take the exit. It's the best solution. Hani was there first. They exchanged rings, they are in an existing active committed relationship, I am cheating with him behind Hani. I'm a bitch or slut or a pincher from another's plate... they were fine and sweet before I came along, they fought over me and strained in their relationship but now that things have warmed up between them again I should stand aside and lie low keep my head down and not rock their boat in anyway.... I think its time I walk away from this relationship that totally dishonour me and strip me of my dignity.
I'll let this love that's been burning in my heart die. And I doubt I'll trust men and their promises of love so easily again.
Do I still keep my first time for him? I had wanted him to be the first man to make love to me... and my desires still burn for him night after night, the only man I can imagine myself with. It doesn't look like it'll happen anymore, I'll never know how it would be like to feel him inside me... now that I'm leaving. I doubt this time I should even say goodbye. I will just go silently and cut all contacts, stop replying. Too many goodbyes only make it meaningless. I've said it too many times, in fact, he has been complaining that I said goodbye too often. sigh... yet, can I really go away, without hearing his voice one more time? How I long to hear again... him to say I love you ying.
Next time, I will prefer ...hmm... i should say, I need a man who will be so ready to treasure me, cherish me, put me on top of the mountain for the world to see, proud to parade me as his love, who will shrek and break himself free of other shackles to be tied and joined to me, who decides I'm the woman and none other to keep in his heart, and will do anything to keep me with him. I wish Paul is the man. I guess he did really proved his love beyond my expectations, but each time it crash when Hani shows up. Sigh, in reality, will any man find me worthy to do the above? Who do I think I am? I should know better what I'm made of. I should be contented that Paul has chosen to love me despite my perfect imperfections. What does he sees in me? Would I meet anyone like him ever? Will any man love me and make me feel the way he did?
I will lament over the next few days over this, and in a year's time perhaps I will look back and smile a smile of gladness. Hopefully with that smile i'll say... What was I thinking? Yet again, I most probably would feel a deep sadness instead, and miss my Cupcake dearly and wondering how him and family is getting on. And the thought will lead on to less happier thoughts that with me gone, he probably never would nor did sort out things with hani, and so hani is still happily in control of her prize, telling him what to do and what to fix and what to proof with her usual emotional blackmails. I won't blame him, he has to keep her, she's the only one left. Hence, what's the point of returning to him? OK, thinking too much. bwahahhahaa.
People say, Leave while its still good. Maybe i should have left earlier. But even right now I know my hand is still holding on to the rainbow... and having it fade in my hands. I am still waiting and hoping for a miracle, I guess. Perhaps its a splendid idea to leave now .... Time to entertain new hopes in the new men i will meet, rather than to engage in this spiral of hopelessness after hopelessness as he continues to put off on hard decisions and not sticking to promises and holding on to hani. He will never give up Hani nor his life with M & kids ... He won't bear to do it.. not for me. He will not pay the price to run after me. I know he wish to , but can't, he won't..... He should really just marry M, and let the kids have a legitimate status, sigh... but that will surely make him feel even more trapped with M. I just know, unless he's able to live with still being a father to the kids without being under the same roof with them... then there's a possibility that he and me can marry and be together... erm.. minus Hani in his life. I wish I have the tenacity and bravery to stay around and wait to see the day he really sort things out with Hani. I just don't think it will ever happen, not unless Hani did something that wake him up fully and make him feel murderous. He's the MOST tolerant and forgiving and forebearing and patient man I've ever seen, he'll never get enough of hani's nonsense... they will just irk him annoy him for a while he'll feel like sorting things out, but once he cool off, he forgets and everything is merry again. Besides, as long as he can keep hani happy and hiding me, why should Hani make him unhappy in anyway that he'll wanna end thinsg? Anyway, just like him, I am 70% this way in forgiving-forgetting, that's why I was back with him again and again. I'm sure after i've cooled down next week I won't feel the same anger I feel today anymore. I would have forgiven and begin missing him and the good times we share, I would wish to tell him about the book I'm reading and what's been happening. Sighhhhhh......
Yes, back to reality.
I will not chase after anymore rainbows. Leave it in the sky, admire its charm and beauty... leave the pot of gold alone. yes... I won't think about the pot of gold he promised me anymore.
It's been beautiful knowing you and loving you Paul..
I've given it all without holding back. I know we'll be perfect soulmates and companions, and I know we'll be happy together. ... if only without the distance and complications in your life.
I only wished you can be braver and stronger and decisive and sure about what you want and run for it.... critical decisions. Yet I do still love you, but now... imagine me as a witch in those fantasy stories... who have fought valiantly for her love against all attacks & storms .. and have finally exhausted all strength... used up all her magic & powers ... and now I'm fading off... into the air. Drama.
Sorry I am choosing to go Paul, its the best way i learn to cope with life, my critical decision. I need to hide and recover... and in time I believe I will only remember the joy and beauty you brought into my life, with no aches and remembrance of the pain.
yet who knows what will happen in future? I still hope for dreams to come true. I still want the miracle.
I love you, Cupcake.
My favorite picture.... I looked so happy and contented in your arms... we looked so good together. And i'll never forget how wonderful those moments I spent with you in Enfield were.
I wish I could hold you and kiss your sweet tender lips again... I wish we can marry and be happy always.

and now, Good bye.. my love. Good bye.
kitty cat.
Well, Hani has been in London since middle of December. She had wanted him to meet her, go out for drinks, stay overnight at the hotel (or did he volunteer that?) ... and make love to her as her special birthday gift ... for her 40th birthday. Of course i went frantic and became extremely insecure. No matter what the world might determined about where I stand with him in terms of "status"..he is still whom I see as my boyfriend, and I felt so intimately close and connected to him as though we're already husband and wife... (gosh i sound so delusional!!!). I was so dismayed and in pain I want to just end it all and walk away, or to just take a total break from him so I will not be in contact with him to know what took place... to just stick my head in the sand like an Ostrich.. but he wouldn't let me. To assure me and make me stay, he had told me his absolute resolutions to put my feelings first because of his love for me and will not do anything that he thinks will hurt me. He told me he nolonger feel the same about Hani, their friendship has been breaking down and he hope to sort things out but not during her birthday and her stay in London. Besides, he is not happy that she had made such a request of him for a birthday gift... and making love with Hani or anything esle that spells "intimacy" like kissing or touching will only confuse and further complicate things if he wanted to sort things out with her eventually. It is best to "keep the distance" and keep things cordial... not his words, but the gist of how he presented it to me.
He also explained why he wanted to stay overnight.. more because of safety.. because they will have drinks till late, and to travel so late in London half drunk is risking being robbed, moreover he probably won't be staying in the same hotel as Hani if he did stay overnight because of the room availability and cost. However, he then told me that he had decided he will not stay over in London even if for safety reasons... just because he cares for how i would feel. I was so touched that I cried (for almost an hour) and went soft in my knees at that time that he would do that for me. It meant a lot to me, my heart totally melted and I could feel his love for me thru that action. Sigh.. ... .. Then things begin to waver when Hani got mad at him for trying to change plans. She told him if he's not going to make love to her then don't bother to even go meet her since her birthday is just a "normal day" and some other things she said to make him feel worthless. She went silent on him after that. But when they started contact again, he went silent on me about the arrangements ( I know he's not accountable to me, but I had hope he'll involve me by telling me so I don't start feeling insecure, so I don't have to ask him in order to find out... so i don't get the feeling that he's trying to hide things from me)... and last I know he was going to spend more than one day with her. This whole saga is really confusing to me.... because a few days before he was just telling me how she made him felt worthless and "bought" and how he was annoyed with her attitudes and things she said. Then now he acted as though a day is not enough to spend with her and he can't wait to run to her (and yes, recently he told me he miss her...) so HEY, what's the deal here? is he just throwing smoke screens at me? Was he just telling me there's nothing between them and how pissed he is with her just to make me feel at ease that they are not close? Was I being entirely naively trusting?
Anyway, with all the assurances he gave.... He did went ahead with things that he knew will hurt me if i get to know. Yup, I remember asking him when we're on the phone... I asked him.. "will you do anything that you knew will hurt me, even if you know you can hide from me forever?". He said NO. I believed him. Yes, anyone reading this would think I'm the silliest woman on earth.
I cannot believe the contents of the email I received this morning. He mentioned briefly about his meet up with Hani, and admitted in a casual tone that ... yes they kissed and that is "as far as he will tell me" (he wrote "Hmmm Yes we did kiss in London I will tell you that much"). HAHAHAHHAA OMG!!!! That means there's more!!! He's only telling me that much, and not telling about the rest..?? They could have gone all the way with foreplay and touch and sucks and licks and orgasms!!! SO??????? if he had not, the right way to say it is.. : " Yes we kissed, but that's as far as we went so don't get any ideas don't let your imagination run further than this"... not "I will tell you that much"!!!!! HE GAVE ABSOLUTELY NO ASSURANCE!!!! In fact, it sounded like he's bragging!! I could even think that Hani wrote that line herself!!!! What the fuck! Am I supposed to be very understanding about it? The very moment he went ahead for the kiss with her, he had hurt me more than he can imagine. So, he would rather hurt me than Hani? It takes 2 to kiss, and it is intimacy when it comes to Hani. It is not casual dating between them. And it complicates matters. Yes, he did say he did not do anything to sort things out with Hani. Its fine. But he does seem to warm things up successfully! This is worse than not sorting things out!!! And I'm sure, when Hani is back to Singapore, they will resume frequent contacts again because all the dead coal has been set ablazed... all is well now... Paul and Hani, back together in sweet warm love. And... I guess... Hani got her birthday gift the way she want it, did she? What a triumphant love affair!
Oh yes this reminds me... when we first talked about this topic he was so absolutely sure that Hani can never have a moment with him alone although she would try to get rid of her niece and daughter who are there to keep an eye on her. I have asked him, WHAT IF she succeeded in getting alone with him? What will he do? He said he won't do anything. And I ask, what if she uses emotional blackmail? What if she force herself upon you? What if she try to arouse you?...... He said he will still not touch her and he will really hate to have to reject her and force an issue at a time like this. HAHAHHAHA.... OMG.... Should i laugh now? It didn't seem to happen this way. For him to kiss her, he must have felt something in his heart and soul... it must have been an expression of love. I can just imagine the sweet smile on both their faces... the way they would have looked at each other naughtily and then embrace and lock lips. Sigh.. OUCH. Oh, and unless they kissed and make out in front of those 2 girls, I will only conclude that they were alone, either in her room, or in a nice stairwell or corner for such stuff. I doubt Hani will kiss in public. So, she DID managed to get time alone with him. I rest my case, your honour!!! I knew she could do it though he thinks she couldn't. And anyway, so she managed to get alone with him and he went ahead to kiss her. All the bullshit about how he will consider my feelings and the bullshit about how it will complicate things. Its all her feelings and perhaps how horny she made him perhaps. Yes, I might be wrong, and unless he writes me again to explain more clearly i will never know and since he left things to my imagination i can only conclude things this way. And since I will choose not to talk to him again i won't ever get my answer. I wish I am wrong. I wish he will tell me how wrong I am. Yes, silly me, I still want to find the reason to believe in him and his love, I still want to give him the benefit of all doubts.
The next part of the message talked about him lying to Hani to cover up his existing connection to me. He lied when Hani asked if he is still communicating with me. Yup, he said no he has not been communicating with me. Yes, its true, a white lie, we're not talking for a few days bcos i was devastated and upset about his trip to meet Hani and the way he had made it seem unimportant for me to know, that its none of my business. It's disappointing... because just a week before that he was telling me that if Hani ask if he still chatted with me he will say Yes. But things have changed I guess. After meeting her, he probably felt stronger about not wanting to lose her, and since I'm not there, feel free to deny my existence so she can be happy. So i guess, i should make the lie he told a permanent truth. Who am I anyway? You don't do that to someone you said you love. You don't diminish their value in your life. I feel hurt that he made me feel so worthless in front of Hani. Where is the valiant man who told me he will tell it to Hani's face that he is still close in contact with me? Why make me feel so starry eyes and touched by those brave words, and in action let me down? What can I say in reply to him when he tell me he lied to her? Yes, I forgive you paul, because i do understand how difficult it is for you. But I can't go on letting you do this to me.
OMG! Am i supposed to be comforted that she came acoss the video of me singing him birthday song and spoilt her moment at the airport? Again he tried to make her think that I sent the vid to her instead of him taking it in person. I guess he know that if he admit it he will probably never see her again. Is she so important to him that he had to use lies to keep her back? And as for me, I will never want him to use lies to keep me in his life. NO. DON'T EVER. Don't use lies to keep anyone in your life... that is deception, and that is absolutely selfish, and that is not honourable. He has so many opportunities to make things right, but he has chosen to compromise me, hide me. It is because he does not want to lose Hani. He's there to make her happy keep her happy maybe pleasure her. So, he's ready to lose me hurt me and hope I'll understand and stay? In the presence of Hani, I am made zero? How long does he intend to keep this going? Sighhhhh..... He took me for granted big time. I am not so understanding and evergreen.
Also, he talked about how he realised things will not work out with Hani judging by words and actions during their time together and he felt he can never belong to her world. OMG is he even still thinking that as an option? to work out with hani?? to belong in her world?????? I would think that he should only be thinking whether things will work out with me! Right now he's the only man I love and want to marry and be with, I won't even bother to think if me and Alvin or Martin or whoever will "work out". I only think about how things will work out with him alone!!!!! And I know, with Hani in the picture, nothing will ever work out between me and Paul.
Another thing so unfair about hiding me ... is....
I'm sure in this rendevous and romantic meeting they have in London, they would have taken lots of sweet close couple pictures together... Hani will ensure that! Maybe he wore back the watarabibi ring too! Maybe he gave her the sense of worthiness to wear back that ring too! I bet when she's back, she's certain to post the pics in her blog or if there's still a Yahoo 360 or Friendster, it'll be up like a flag. A Declaration. I'm sure she would love to brag to me about her victory and triumph and how sizzling things were ... starting with the hungry look and the passionate kiss that followed.. and pictures to prove them. I won't get to see it of course. But I'll be dying to ask him... will he even stop her from putting up those pictures of him & her in London? will he even mind that she puts them up? will he even feel annoyed? NO. Because he is not hiding her from anyone other than M. Because he never lied to me about her visit nor the fact that they were intimate. Because she is his "wife" or "girlfriend" whatever their relationship is.. what's wrong with posting a couple pic? She's not gonna send those pics to M anyway. And whats wrong with kissing and sucking her nipples and licking her pussy or just making love? Who am I to even question him? Ok i'm loosing it for sure, look at my language! OMG what has become of me?! I'm just sore that I can't even mention Enfield UK in my pictures caption i posted in Friendster. I deleted them because it affected him, ... fearing Hani will see it and blow up, fearing Hani will do nasty things... fearing that his lies will be exposed... fearing anything except how i would feel. In fact, his initial questioning was in a tone of accusation asking me why can't I just use "UK" like the others where i just put "Norway" as the location. I was so mad!!!!! I only used "Norway" for those pics bcos I don't fucking remember where the hell and long name I can't pronounced nor spell of that town i took that pic from, and I used Enfield because that place was special to me..... it was where I met you and fall in love... it was sentimental... it was where i felt like a princess in love..where i want to shout to my whole world I found true love! I just want to cry so much now that my heart is breaking...
Anyway all these are in a way irrelevant. He had texted me a week ago to say that I'm right ... that he could never leave his kids... he thought he could but he don't think he can ever. So that ends our story. I'm not a family breaker... i had never wanted him to abandon his kids nor leave them. When he last said that to me (that he can't leave his kids), I had called him to say goodbye because that ended the story with us. There will not be any future for us if he is unable to free himself. At that time, we chat .. and he made a new committment to me.... he said has thought for a few days, and now he is absolute and determined, he can do it, he have to find a way. He said, what he meant by not leaving them is ... he won't initiate the breakup with M resulting in leaving his kids -- but if M is the one who kicks him out its a different story -- it means he's kicked out and asked to leave, not that he is abandoning them. And then he informed me that he has applied for the apartment (i was greatly surprised and that kept me staying on bcos he had taken actual action) and the plan is... when M & kids move in that is when he will move out and free himself. I wasn't convinced at that time, and ask him if he's really sure. YES, he said. I said please do not be double-minded or waver again... and he said NO, he will NOT waver, he's really sure he wants to have a life with me. Well, now, guess what? He wavered. I don't blame him. In fact, I expected it... i know how close and attached he is to his kids. And by him sending that text, it meant that even if M kicked him out, he will not go. So now again, end of story. he will not be able to convince me again. He will have to say something else that i can ever believe.
Yes I still love him, deeply.. hopelessly in love. In fact, just yesterday I was considering returning to talking and maybe still meet up in April when i fly Europe again for a possible HR meeting that has been mentioned. I'm still thinking that perhaps meeting up again will be nice. I still love him and it won't stop.. and its hard to be in love and not see each other when life provides the opportunity. Besides I still have a free sin-lon-sin return tickets... and a free travel voucher to some destinations in europe for 7 nights. Sigh.. .. I don't know..
Although, him being unable to leave his kids spells no future for me and him to be together, that does not mean we can't love each other or have a relationship. However, to keep this love or relationship, it means that he can't pay the price, and all the price needs to be paid by me -- i.e. staying single and staying in an affair with him, long distance, hidden from M's knowledge (and Hani's knowledge). Perhaps in 10 years when his children are grown and independent we can finally marry. In the beginning, I had wanted to wait 10 years for him, but now, i know I don't have what it takes anymore. I no longer have the courage nor hope nor faith in him that when the day comes he will do as he said. Anyway, at the rate we're always fighting over hani, our relationship and love will be strained and destroyed within another year with all these strife. It won't survive. Or rather, I know I won't survive. I need peace and stability and security and protected love. So... is there the possibility of a future for me and him? don't seem so. Not unless he make some hard decisions and stick by it.
Hence if there's no future between us to look forward to, there's no room for a relationship to exist. it will only lead to immense pain for me. I have moved way past friendship and it is something i cannot return to, not after a few years when I have someone else in my life perhaps. Hence, logically, and naturally, this also eliminates the necessity for him to sort things out with Hani by March this year. I had given an ultimatum that if he don't sort things with Hani (i.e. he and her just friends, no more lovers in relationship, committments, accountability, responsibility etc.) I will walk away. Yes, because if he never made an attempt then I don't even need to look forward to the day where he would sort things with M. Moreoever I'm tired of being hidden, and I'm tired of him lying to Hani about me, and I'm tired of him cowering and upset by Hani's moods and control, I'm tired of getting confused and insecure whenever he shows Hani more respect and submission, I'm tired of him saying not ever wanting to lose Hani.. and I'm tired of everything Hani. And no, I can't treat her as invisible, I am not blind nor do I want him to "hide" her. He has no idea how, in the past 6 months, he has proven to me his love for her, and his protection over how she would feel, his fear about what she can do to him & family if she finds out about me, and how fast he forgets how nasty she made him feel and still continue to hold on to her like precious pearls while hurting me bringing me pain and telling me he loves me more. I had wanted a Hani-problem-free relationship with him that could last till the day where he has the apartment and sort things with M. (Yes, I'm sure without Hani, I would last much much luch longer). Its all irrelevant now. In fact, I'm starting to feel strongly there is more to it than meets the eye about things between him and Hani, it constantly makes me feel uncomfortable about the real reason why he can't let go of her, what's her hold over him, ... and whenever I ask him, his answers are always " I don't know".
And with the fact that I am still deeply in love with him, despite the fact that I can never be with him, I am still completely vulnerable and possessive over him. Hence, whatever he has done with Hani in london, be it told or untold, hurts me beyond repair. I no longer know how to pick up these pieces of my heart that still loves him. I no longer want my heart to beat for him again. I wish to feel dead than to continue with these pains and disappointments. i feel lost and lonely without him, he's been my soulmate and true love, I will never forget him... and I know I will always love him in a special way. But the relationship will have to end. Was there any to begin with? Or has it been a fantasy? I guess I will have to admit... there is a relationship. He count as my first boyfriend. And this will be a milestone in my life. My first boyfriend is Paul. My lover, my soulmate, my cupcake and sweetness... the man i think of, dream of and missed endlessly for the past 6 months and the months to come.. maybe years.
It's also a wonder how fast he can change his mind. Sigh, OK its not fair to say he changed his mind. I'm sure he meant every word he said.. just that he had given it more thought and realised its "mission impossible". Just over christmas and new year he talked about how this year he wanna prioritise and put me first, my feelings first, and speed things up in sorting things with M, turn the wheels faster so he can be with me. How silly of me to be feeling so touched and moved to tears and excited and bragged about it to my close buddies. I've even told dad about him... and how wonderful he is, and how sincere he is about wanting to have a life with me despite the complications... that he would come to singapore to meet my parents to express his genuine desire to marry me one day.
Do men just declare love and make promises without backing them up with actual actions? Without taking responsibility for what they have said? without giving it enough thought if they know what are they saying???!? What he said has meant a lot to me, those are promises that decides the future, provides hope, fuels desires, gives courage & strength to brave storms and oppositions to this love! BUT.... when those promises failed.. when tested or reminded... the easy excuse is "oh... i forgot" or met with a "I'm sorry". Well, then no one will ever take what you said seriously anymore, don't blame anyone for doubting you. A man is as good as his word. It does seem like a character flaw which I am seeing clearly now. It has been fine in the past to bear with the disappointments, but now I begin to see it as a deal breaker. I had been through enough disappointments for the past 6 months. I'm tired now... I crumbling down and I'm going insane.
Yet, why do i still love him?
He's not perfect, neither am I.
And Yes I love him still, for many many many reasons. Someone once said to me, that she had know me as the type of person who... when my heart has been touched, I will give it whole and more to the extend of giving it all to that person in reciprocation. And she knows that when I fall in love, it will be an all consuming love. How true! sigh... and this brings to mind what Tim said about me .. a moth to the fire. But I stand tall and proud about my love. I'm not a coward when it comes to love. But now is the time to face reality. Make a choice.
I will walk away and not look back this time.
His email does not deserve nor warrant my reply. If I did reply i vouch it will not be nice words. Silence may be the most melodious reply at this hour compared to one that hides my true thoughts and emotions.
Perhaps when I've cooled down and can think with a clear head, I will re-read his email. As usual, I blew up blindly like a few volcanoes each time and can't see thru the smokes ashes and lava. Perhaps after I calmed down, my perspectives will be different. Perhaps I would be able to see that he was trying very hard to save what's between us, that he wanted me to trust him and that I have overlooked the fact that he was being honest with me when he needn't, knowing I will surely explode and just wishing I won't? Sighhhhhh....
Right now.. Am I OK? No, I am so totally not OK. i feel like a deadfish, I feel as though something within me is dying, I feel tears choked up within, yet I feel like hugging him and wish i can still make love to him and and wish that everything is fine again.
I've not seen him text or write or say " i love you" recently. OK, it doesn't mean he don't love me. Probably he is feeling confused himself about what he wants and who he loves or loves more. He loves both that's what I am sure of. Anyway, he is in a dilemma. If hani knows he's still in touch with me, she'll walk, and if he hides me, I'll walk, and he's trying to find the solution where he can keep both. FORGET IT!!!!! I'll save him the trouble. He can keep Hani. Hani can keep him. There is no way he can keep both of us now. Today I will also change my mind. Its either she or me in his life. And since I know he would choose BOTH, I will take the exit. It's the best solution. Hani was there first. They exchanged rings, they are in an existing active committed relationship, I am cheating with him behind Hani. I'm a bitch or slut or a pincher from another's plate... they were fine and sweet before I came along, they fought over me and strained in their relationship but now that things have warmed up between them again I should stand aside and lie low keep my head down and not rock their boat in anyway.... I think its time I walk away from this relationship that totally dishonour me and strip me of my dignity.
I'll let this love that's been burning in my heart die. And I doubt I'll trust men and their promises of love so easily again.
Do I still keep my first time for him? I had wanted him to be the first man to make love to me... and my desires still burn for him night after night, the only man I can imagine myself with. It doesn't look like it'll happen anymore, I'll never know how it would be like to feel him inside me... now that I'm leaving. I doubt this time I should even say goodbye. I will just go silently and cut all contacts, stop replying. Too many goodbyes only make it meaningless. I've said it too many times, in fact, he has been complaining that I said goodbye too often. sigh... yet, can I really go away, without hearing his voice one more time? How I long to hear again... him to say I love you ying.
Next time, I will prefer ...hmm... i should say, I need a man who will be so ready to treasure me, cherish me, put me on top of the mountain for the world to see, proud to parade me as his love, who will shrek and break himself free of other shackles to be tied and joined to me, who decides I'm the woman and none other to keep in his heart, and will do anything to keep me with him. I wish Paul is the man. I guess he did really proved his love beyond my expectations, but each time it crash when Hani shows up. Sigh, in reality, will any man find me worthy to do the above? Who do I think I am? I should know better what I'm made of. I should be contented that Paul has chosen to love me despite my perfect imperfections. What does he sees in me? Would I meet anyone like him ever? Will any man love me and make me feel the way he did?
I will lament over the next few days over this, and in a year's time perhaps I will look back and smile a smile of gladness. Hopefully with that smile i'll say... What was I thinking? Yet again, I most probably would feel a deep sadness instead, and miss my Cupcake dearly and wondering how him and family is getting on. And the thought will lead on to less happier thoughts that with me gone, he probably never would nor did sort out things with hani, and so hani is still happily in control of her prize, telling him what to do and what to fix and what to proof with her usual emotional blackmails. I won't blame him, he has to keep her, she's the only one left. Hence, what's the point of returning to him? OK, thinking too much. bwahahhahaa.
People say, Leave while its still good. Maybe i should have left earlier. But even right now I know my hand is still holding on to the rainbow... and having it fade in my hands. I am still waiting and hoping for a miracle, I guess. Perhaps its a splendid idea to leave now .... Time to entertain new hopes in the new men i will meet, rather than to engage in this spiral of hopelessness after hopelessness as he continues to put off on hard decisions and not sticking to promises and holding on to hani. He will never give up Hani nor his life with M & kids ... He won't bear to do it.. not for me. He will not pay the price to run after me. I know he wish to , but can't, he won't..... He should really just marry M, and let the kids have a legitimate status, sigh... but that will surely make him feel even more trapped with M. I just know, unless he's able to live with still being a father to the kids without being under the same roof with them... then there's a possibility that he and me can marry and be together... erm.. minus Hani in his life. I wish I have the tenacity and bravery to stay around and wait to see the day he really sort things out with Hani. I just don't think it will ever happen, not unless Hani did something that wake him up fully and make him feel murderous. He's the MOST tolerant and forgiving and forebearing and patient man I've ever seen, he'll never get enough of hani's nonsense... they will just irk him annoy him for a while he'll feel like sorting things out, but once he cool off, he forgets and everything is merry again. Besides, as long as he can keep hani happy and hiding me, why should Hani make him unhappy in anyway that he'll wanna end thinsg? Anyway, just like him, I am 70% this way in forgiving-forgetting, that's why I was back with him again and again. I'm sure after i've cooled down next week I won't feel the same anger I feel today anymore. I would have forgiven and begin missing him and the good times we share, I would wish to tell him about the book I'm reading and what's been happening. Sighhhhhh......
Yes, back to reality.
I will not chase after anymore rainbows. Leave it in the sky, admire its charm and beauty... leave the pot of gold alone. yes... I won't think about the pot of gold he promised me anymore.
It's been beautiful knowing you and loving you Paul..
I've given it all without holding back. I know we'll be perfect soulmates and companions, and I know we'll be happy together. ... if only without the distance and complications in your life.
I only wished you can be braver and stronger and decisive and sure about what you want and run for it.... critical decisions. Yet I do still love you, but now... imagine me as a witch in those fantasy stories... who have fought valiantly for her love against all attacks & storms .. and have finally exhausted all strength... used up all her magic & powers ... and now I'm fading off... into the air. Drama.
Sorry I am choosing to go Paul, its the best way i learn to cope with life, my critical decision. I need to hide and recover... and in time I believe I will only remember the joy and beauty you brought into my life, with no aches and remembrance of the pain.
yet who knows what will happen in future? I still hope for dreams to come true. I still want the miracle.
I love you, Cupcake.
My favorite picture.... I looked so happy and contented in your arms... we looked so good together. And i'll never forget how wonderful those moments I spent with you in Enfield were.
I wish I could hold you and kiss your sweet tender lips again... I wish we can marry and be happy always.

and now, Good bye.. my love. Good bye.
kitty cat.
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